
  • 网络unitary structure
  1. 城乡统筹发展关键是使异质的二元经济结构转换为同质的现代化一元结构。

    The key is to make the development of urban and rural dual economic structure of heterogeneous into modern unitary structure of homogeneous .

  2. 大学内部权力结构经历了从一元结构向二元结构和多元有机结构演进的历程。

    The power within the university evolved from the monistic structure , to the dualistic and the pluralistic ones in the history .

  3. 剩余劳动力的成功转移,曾是发达国家经济从二元结构向一元结构成功转变的关键所在。

    The smooth transfer of the surplus labor force was once the key to the successful transfer of developed countries from the dualistic-structure to a unified one .

  4. 资本的网络化配置产生了资本网络系统,并使得资本结构从一元结构的优化转变为多元结构的优化。

    Network-based Capital System ( NCS ) is the result of the network-based deployment of capital and the intension of capital structure is also enlarged to Multi Capital Structure ( MCS ) .

  5. 为了消除区域两极分化,实现区域共同富裕,21世纪中国应该进行市场创新,构建出市场空间一元结构并不断深化,实现由局外运行到局内运行的历史性跨越。

    With a view to eliminating the regional polarization , and fulfilling the regional common prosperity in the 21st century , China should carry on the market innovation , set up the market space monistic structure and ceaselessly perfect it to realize historic transcendence from outside operation to inside operation .

  6. 发展中国家工业化阶段的主要任务是实现二元经济结构向现代化的一元经济结构转换。

    The chief task of developing countries in industrialized stage is to transform the dual economy structure into the modern economy structure .

  7. 本文采用链表数据结构存储有限元结构总体刚度矩阵,对一有限元结构分析系统进行了改进。

    This paper provides a new storing method with the link-table data structure to store the global stiffness matrix in the finite element structural analysis system , and improves a finite element structural analysis system .

  8. 发展中国家在工业化阶段面临的主要任务就是对这种落后的国民经济结构进行改造,使异质的二元经济结构向同质的一元经济结构转换。

    The main task that developing countries must face in the stage of industrialization is to transform the backward national economy structure , that is , the transformation of the heterogeneous dual economic structure to homogeneous economic structure .

  9. 通过分析学校产权的结构化特征,可以获得三个重要结论:第一,一元产权结构对于建立和完善现代学校法人治理结构存在制度上的缺陷;

    On the basis of the analysis of structural features of the school property , the following three important conclusions are drawn : ( 1 ) the unified property structure has certain system drawbacks for the establishment and optimization of the management structure controlled by legal representative at modern schools ;

  10. 中国改革开放30多年来,社会财富急剧增长,社会经济结构也发生了巨大的变化,我国传统的一元利益结构已逐渐消亡,多元化利益结构正在形成。

    After over three decades of reform and opening up , the material wealth of society has kept increasing rapidly . Social and economic structure has also undergone tremendous changes since then . Gradually , our traditional unitary interest structure has been disappearing and diverse interest structure is taking shape .

  11. 一类有限元结构分析的EBE计算方法

    A class of EBE computational methods for finite element structural analysis

  12. 饱和脂肪族一元醚的结构与物理性质饱和一元卤代烃物理化学性质的定量探讨

    Approach on the Relation between the Physical Property of Saturated Aliphatic Monoether and its Molecular Structure

  13. 提出了一种基于元结构的数控机床结构优化设计方法。

    An optimization design method for NC machine tool structures based on unit structures was proposed .

  14. 信息资源是文本范畴的社会维建构,公共信息资源是文本范畴的社会维度建构,认知机制是公共信息资源的信知维。基于公共信息资源及其认知机制的元理论建构是一个三维元结构。

    The author thinks that the metatheoretical structure based on public information resources and their cognition mechanisms is a three-dimensional metastructure .

  15. 本文提出的可调分束角棱镜,是一种三元结构的棱镜偏光分束器件。

    This paper presents the adjustable beamsplitting angle-prism which is the part of an apparatus of avertence-light beamsplitting on the prism with three-variable structure .

  16. 我国现行的土地用益物权体系是一种二元结构,土地用益物权被分为国有土地用益物权与集体土地用益物权。

    The current land usufruct system in our country is a dualistic structure , in which land usufructs are divided into state-owned land usufructs and collective land usufructs .

  17. Hayes1986年的工作为基础,给出了一个有限元结构分析中,当不形成总体刚度阵而计算它与向量乘积的向量化算法。

    Hayes in 1986 , a vectorized algorithm of the global stiffness matrix-vector multiply in finite element structural analysis is developed when we in fact don 't form the global stiffness matrix .

  18. 且由于长期以来我国城乡社会经济发展处于一种二元结构状态,使得政府在公共服务的供给方面也同样采取了二元供给的方式,农村所获得的公共物品和服务远远低于城市;

    Further , due to the dual structure developing mode between city and country , the government correspondingly provided the dual public service supplying mode , which resulted in the greatly less service in country than in city .

  19. 随着工业化和城市化的深入推进,发展中国家普遍存在的现代工业与传统农业并存的二元结构,必然向城乡一元的现代化结构转变,这就是城乡一体化。

    With the further pushing ahead of industrialization and urbanization , the commonly seen dualistic structure in developing countries with the coexistence of modern industry and traditional agriculture would inevitably be transformed to the modern structure with the characteristic of the integration of urban and rural areas .

  20. 针对大规模定制设计中设计过程动态性特点,建立了一个基于对象元结构的柔性工作流模型&对象元工作流模型OMWM。

    Aiming at the dynamic business processes in design for mass customization ( DFMC ), a flexible workflow model , namely the object meta workflow model ( OMWM ), is proposed .

  21. 结果发现,反应的过渡态都具有一个五元环结构,反应为取代反应。

    The result indicated that a five-membered cyclic structure was formed in every transition state .

  22. 本专题是一门研究论元结构的表达法的专门学科。

    This monograph is a study of the representation of argument structure ( a-structure ) .

  23. 为促使这种结构向一元同质的现代化结构转化,有必要结合我国实际分析其形成与演化的历程,从中找出其转化刚性的根源,并提出对策。

    So we must find the way to change it based on analysing the forming history and the origin of such structure in our country .

  24. 在单位体制下,体育管理体制因群众体育与竞技体育的划分而呈现出一种“二元结构”。

    Under the system of Danwei , the system of sports management shows " dualistic structure " due to the division of competitive sports and mass sports .

  25. 无论一元制公司治理结构还是二元制公司治理结构,独立董事都参与到董事会中,行使战略管理职能及选择和监督经理人员的职能。

    Whether in one layer corporate governance structure or dual corporate governance structure , independent directors involved into the board of directors to exercise choice of strategic management and supervision functions .

  26. 促使这种二元异质结构向一元同质的现代化结构转化,必须找出其转化刚性的根源,提出转化的对策。

    In order to change the dual heterogeneous structure into the modernized unitary homogenous one , we must find out the root for the change of rigidity and hence suggest corresponding countermeasures .

  27. 不同的是,一元制公司治理结构下,独立董事是唯一专门的监督者,功能的内容、功能的方向与二元制公司治理结构下都有很大不同。

    Difference is that one layer corporate governance structure , independent directors is the sole specialized supervisors . Its function content , functionality and the direction is different with the dual system .

  28. 在此基础上,对东海陆架盆地、冲绳海槽盆地的成因与性质,以及应力作用情况进行了探讨,认为冲绳海槽地壳的纵向结构是一种“二元结构”;

    Based on these studies , we have discussed the crust structure in the study area , the origin and nature of Shelf of East China Sea and Okinawa Trough basin , and stress , and deemed crust structure of Okinawa Trough , which is a kind of " dualisticstructure ";