
  1. 经济表非均衡模式解析

    An Inquiry into the Non-balanced Pattern of Tableau Economy

  2. 摘要马克思受魁奈的启发,试图用经济表的形式来构建自己的社会再生产理论模型。

    Inspired by quesnay 's tableau economique , Marx had attempted with Tableau Economique form to construct the theory of social reproduction model .

  3. 虽然马克思最终放弃了用经济表的形式表述自己的社会再生产模型,但经济表却搭建起了他的社会资本再生产理论框架,是马克思社会再生产理论的雏型。

    Although Marx finally gave up interpreting his social model of reproduction using economic chart , which really served as the fundamental framework and the rudiments of theory of reproduction .

  4. 国民经济平衡表体系的基本原则

    Basic Principles of the System of Balances of the National Economy

  5. 具有代表性的报告模式包括增值表,社会资产负债表,社会收益表,社会经济营运表等。

    The representative reports including the increment statement , the social balance sheet , the social income statement , the social - economy statement and so on .

  6. 论证了通过政府运营表、其他经济流量表、资产负债表和现金来源与使用表评估政府活动对经济的影响和财政政策的可持续性。

    Our study demonstrated that the sustainability of government activities impacted on the economy and fiscal policy by the government operations table , other economic flow statement , balance sheet and cash sources and use table .

  7. 入学申请表及经济资助申请表可向下列地址索要。所有申请者必须呈交gre普通考试的成绩。

    Application forms for admission and for financial aid may be obtained by writing to the address below . All applicants must submit scores on the GRE General Test .

  8. 国民经济统计平衡表体系

    System of Statistical Balance of the National Economy

  9. 关于编纂国民经济统计平衡表体系的基本方法原

    Basic Methodological Principles Governing the Compilation of the System of Statistical Balances of the National Economy

  10. 二是,从生态学角度出发,构建了能值型循环经济投入产出表及分析模型。

    Secondly , the emergy input-output table of the circular economy is constructed from ecological point .

  11. 主要介绍现代化市场经济下,表外融资的定义、产生方式、存在原因。

    Definition , form of coming into being and reasons of existence of the outside formed financing under present market economy are mainly introduced .

  12. 根据2001年全国味精行业经济技术交流表汇总资料,分析了行业现状及发展方向等一系列问题。

    According to the materials of China MSG industry economic and technical exchange form , analyses the profession present situation and development direction and series problems .

  13. 经济资助申请表一种可能是由学校设计的,另一种可能是由学院奖学金服务组织为各学校供外国留学生使用而设计的。

    The financial aid application form might be one developed by the institution , or it might be the form developed by the college scholarship service for institutional use with foreign students .

  14. 如果把这种表寄给外国学生填写他们就应该给学校回信,指出这种表对他们不适用,应当改寄外国学生经济资助申请表。

    If foreign students are sent the PCs for completion , they should reply to the institution pointing out that they understand the PCs is not appropriate for their use and asking for the css 's financial aid application form for students from foreign countries .

  15. 新经济投入占用产出表的编制与核算

    An Input - Occupancy - Output Table for New Economy

  16. 上海市主要经济统计指标一览表(2003年1~7月)

    Synopsis of Shanghai Major Economic Indexes ( Jan. - Jul. 2003 )

  17. 水电厂经济运行的优先表动态规划方法

    Table 1 A Priority Dynamic Programming Method for Hydropower Plants

  18. 生态经济型投入产出表的初步设计

    A Primary Design of the Ecological Economic Input-Output Table

  19. 香港已成为世界上以服务业为主的经济体系中的表表者。

    Hong Kong has become one of the most service-oriented economies in the world .

  20. 随着经济发展,收益表在企业报表中占据的地位越来越重要。

    With the development of economy , income statement is becoming more and more important .

  21. 如果我们考虑当今世界经济的资产负债表,就会面对四个问题。

    If we think about balance sheets in the world economy of today , four questions arise .

  22. 关于改进和完善国民经济核算资金流量表编制的若干建议

    Harmony Statement Several Suggestions to Improve and Perfect the Compilation of National Economic Accounting Funds Flow Statement

  23. 在世界经济综合资产负债表的字里行间最能观察到这一点。

    This can best be observed in the context of the consolidated balance sheet of the world economy .

  24. 其次,文章建立了新经济投入占用产出表,并建立了相关的平衡方程式;

    Secondly , the paper has built up an Input Occupancy Output table for New Economy and the related equations ;

  25. 这些政策和措施有力地促进了少数民族地区的经济发展(见表三)。

    These policies and measures have greatly promoted the economic development of ethnic minority areas ( see Table 3 ) .

  26. 基于教育经济投入占用产出表建立了用于分析人力资本培养和分配以及与其他部门的联系的静态和动态投入占用产出模型。

    Input-occupancy-output models about human capital production and allocation and its relationship with other sectors are built , including static and dynamic models .

  27. 从他的长期定位试验,还可推出可广泛向农民推荐的最佳经济施肥量(表8)。

    The results from his long-term experiment could lead to the economic optimum of the fertilizer use for general recommendation to farmers ( Table 8 . ) .

  28. 本文利用投入占用产出技术,建立了新经济投入占用产出表,并对几个重要系数进行了核算研究。

    By using Input Occupancy Output techniques , this paper has built up an Input Occupancy Output table for New Economy , and studied some important coefficients .

  29. 我国市场经济发展较晚,表见代理制度规范体系又不尽合理,表见代理的适用较为混乱。

    Development of market economy in our country is relatively late and the rule system of mandat apparent is not totally reasonable , so application of it quite disordered .

  30. 首先在对教育部门生产性质进行研究的基础上,设计了教育-经济投入占用产出表表式。

    Based on the detailed study on the properties of production systems of human capital , the model is applicable in practice . The main con-tents are as follows : ( 1 ) Design the education-economy input-occupancy-output table .