- adj.(对造访者)不亲切的,不热情的,冷淡的;不惬意的;无亲切感的;不温馨的

ADJ-GRADED 不友善的;不友好的;没好气的
If someone is unwelcoming, or if they behave in an unwelcoming way, they are unfriendly or hostile when you visit or approach them.His manner was cold and unwelcoming...
ADJ-GRADED (地方)不好看的,不适合居住(或工作)的
If you describe a place as unwelcoming, you mean that it looks unattractive or difficult to live or work in.My room was cold and unwelcoming.
Presenting an unwelcoming face to the world has political as well as economic implications .
My room was cold and unwelcoming .
Both men were unwelcoming , making little attempt to put Kathryn or her companions at their ease .
His manner was cold and unwelcoming
Most seeds can wait out the dry , unwelcoming seasons until conditions are right and they sprout .
The interview for this one was quite a challenge you know , the human resources manager was rather unwelcoming , I thought .
Many in education have expressed concerns that the precarious visa situation gives the perception that US is unwelcoming to international students .
Making the workplace an unwelcoming environment for 50 per cent of the possible talent pool is value destructive and stupid .
In private , ministers are desperate to promote growth , and fret about complaints that Britain is unwelcoming to business .
The hush of the library and the unwelcoming examination of his grease-stained clothes by the lady librarian made him ill at ease .
The house seemed locked up and unwelcoming , but there was fire light shining through the kitchen window , and I could hear someone talking quietly to himself .
Rachel was hostile and unwelcoming .
" Consequently , many Chinese executives believe the United States is unwelcoming of Chinese investment , even though the vast majority of Chinese investments in the United States have either been approved or have not required any approval , " he notes .
None of the rooms in the house provided her with any solace , just unwelcoming silences as she stared around at the furniture . She longed for the couch to hold out its arms to her but even it ignored her .
So what to do in a world where employers encourage staff to " bring their whole self to work " − yet still expect top executives to have worked in a mix of markets , some of which may be unwelcoming to gay employees , or even unsafe ?
So what to do in a world where employers encourage staff to bring their whole self to work & # 8722 ; yet still expect top executives to have worked in a mix of markets , some of which may be unwelcoming to gay employees , or even unsafe ?
That Hassan would grow up illiterate like Ali and most Hazaras had been decided the minute he had been born , perhaps even the moment he had been conceived in Sanaubar 's unwelcoming womb -- after all , what use did a servant have for the written word ?