
  1. One of the main causes of this type of psoriasis is due to unproper management .


  2. Attention : unproper sowing space and irrigation will lead to abnormal root shape , timly harvesting is important .


  3. It has been proved by mathematical analysis that using the method of compensating peak of background as a reference line for background correction is unproper .


  4. Besides , attempting nothing , violating moral rules and unproper expressions are also causes of taking the blame and resigning .


  5. Results : The main causes of uterine rupture were unproper use of oxytocin , scared uterine , misrepresentation and difficult trans vaginal operations .


  6. Due to unproper disposal on investigation , design , construction and monitoring , deep foundation pit engineering accidents have occurred more and more in recent years , and some are quite serious .


  7. The main reason of insufficient of electricity supply is the unproper logistics of the electricity-coal , it includes two problems , the transportation and storage of electricity-coal .


  8. Although traditional right theory possess fault that should not be avoided , denying reply to reinforce reply is unproper way and the better means is using loss of right to restrict the reply .


  9. A field investigation and comprehensive laboratory studies showed following origins of this phenomenon : the location of the demulsifier inlet was unproper and resulted in delayed mixing of 2 / 3 of the crude with the demulsifier introduced only after the oil / water separators ;
