- v.休会;暂停;将…嵌入墙壁;宣布暂停;把…放进壁龛(或壁橱)
- n.开槽;开凹槽
- recess的现在分词

N-COUNT (委员会、法庭或政府等的)休会期间,休息期间
A recess is a break between the periods of work of an official body such as a committee, a court of law, or a government.The conference broke for a recess...
VERB 休会;休庭
When formal meetings or court cases recess, they stop temporarily.The hearings have now recessed for dinner...
N-COUNT (墙上的)凹处;壁龛
In a room, a recess is part of a wall which is built further back than the rest of the wall. Recesses are often used as a place to put furniture such as shelves....a discreet recess next to a fireplace.
N-COUNT 暗处;隐蔽处
The recesses of something or somewhere are the parts of it which are hard to see because light does not reach them or they are hidden from view.He emerged from the dark recesses of the garage...
N-COUNT (思想或心灵的)深处
If you refer to the recesses of someone's mind or soul, you are referring to thoughts or feelings they have which are hidden or difficult to describe....the inner recesses of the soul...
For such kind of recessing phenomenon , researchers explained it from different angles .
The higher the elastic modulus of adhesive , the smaller the peak stress near the recessing .
Recessing the oxidizer tube improves stability . Increasing the total time lag is destabilizing .
Jurors deliberated for about two hours before recessing for the day .
Recessing is the most effective way of preventing creep in unfilled ptfe .
The six-women jury resumed deliberations this morning after recessing for the day yesterday .
Beds , recessing into walls , are to be serviced by machine from outside .
The Effect of length and position of recessing on the strength of adhesively bonded single-lap joints
Recessing femoral insertion of medial collateral ligament for medial laxity of the knee joint
The influence of length and position of recessing on the strength of adhesively bonded joints with different single-lap length was presented .
Owing to slow recessing and long travel distance of the UHF radio waves , this system can transmit the images in tunnel and implement active talk .
At the grooving part , the electric adjustable recessing tool apron move left and right and is synchronism with press-line wheel .
Oversize recessing or improper position results in sharp stress concentration near the recessing to be a new higher stress zone , which may lead to the alternation of failure mode of joints .
On the other hand , the recessing in the joint with low elastic modulus adhesive caus es the peak stresses increase evidently that may decrease the nominal and actual strength of the joint markedly .
20 ng · mL ~ ( - 1 ) EGF could accelerate the differentiation of external root sheath cell in the hair follicle , and induce hair follicle to enter recessing period from growing period ahead of time .
The rubber product had excellent recessing and physical properties , especially , the compound stock possessed the characteristics of longer time to scorch and faster vulcanizing velocity , and the vulcanizates had higher wearability and resistance to thermal aging .
The results obtained show that the shear stress distribution in intermittent recessing joint is similar to continuous adhesive layer but the values of shear stress peak increased about 10 % and a part of load is subjected by the intermittent adhesive layer .
The economic of the developed countries and regional is recessing , resulting in a shortage of international capital fluidity ; the ability of the international transfer of industrial capital decreasing in a global contraction of capital investment will lead to a substantial decline in international investment .
The position of recessing had also remarkable effect on the strength of adhesively bonded single-lap joint s : when the gap was arranged near one end of the lap zone the bearing capacity and the actual strength of the single-lap joint were decreased greatly .