- abbr.床旁即时超声(point-of-care ultrasound)

You get your little witch to hocus pocus me out of here ,
Even though the rabbit pops out of the hat , the button on the bottom of the screen still reads Hocus Pocus !
Chang'an City in the Tang Dynasty occupies a important place in the development of ancient Chinese city history . The study on the idea of Chang'an city planning is a problem on the pocus of attention .
It might sound a bit like hocus pocus , but experts say that no matter the audience clients , staff or even children picking the right tie colour can help get your message across .
It might sound a bit like hocus pocus , but experts say that no matter the audience - clients , staff or even children - picking the right tie colour can help get your message across .
The role of Max in Disney 's fantasy Hocus Pocus could 've become his big shot , but he preferred to go for the adapted drama What 's Eating Gilbert Grape despite the much bigger financial reward that Disney offered .