
美 [ˈnetbʊk]英 [ˈnetbʊk]
  • 网络上网本;小笔电;小本
  1. Yet another connects via tablet or sometimes his netbook .


  2. Also , the technology needed to make the Wi-Fi only netbook useful without an internet connection isn 't up to full speed either .


  3. Samsung is reportedly considering an exit from the netbook market .


  4. For many users , the basic , free software shipped with a netbook will be quite enough .


  5. A second phase of the netbook wars is now looming .


  6. Although it has potential , the world may not be ready for a web-based netbook right now .


  7. Volley Brawl ran very well and is certainly a good candidate for Netbook gaming .


  8. What happened is that tablets started cannibalizing the lower end of the notebook / netbook market .


  9. Microsoft , Intel , Dell and others tried to resist the netbook imperative and failed .


  10. Google is currently working with manufacturers to elaborate a new set of netbook hardware which comply with their speed and security needs .


  11. You Can 't Just Install Chrome OS-You Have to Buy a New Netbook


  12. Anecdotal evidence and empirical research that showed tablets were eating into the netbook market much more than dedicated e-readers .


  13. Intel popularised the term netbook and Microsoft sets strict memory and screen limits for licences .


  14. A netbook is a small , underpowered ( by modern standards ), yet fully functional laptop , usually supporting wireless networking .


  15. Now , it remains to be seen if people who buy an iPad will do so instead of buying a netbook .


  16. But there are other , smaller details that make this feel like a higher-quality machine than your garden-variety netbook .


  17. That is thinner and lighter than any netbook .


  18. In 2007 Asus unveiled the Eee PC - the first netbook , or miniature laptop .


  19. The name signifies the marrying of smartphones and netbooks in a smaller laptop that has key advantages over a netbook .


  20. He predicted that the whitebox segment would capture up to 20 per cent of the global netbook market forecast at about 35m units this year .


  21. The Greater China and Latin America markets accounted for fewer netbook shipments , but interestingly , they received more netbooks than proper laptops .


  22. If you are installing iDeneb on one of the Netbook in list , not to select no other drivers or patch ;


  23. Using cameras , the objects near a Classmate PC , Intel 's Netbook for kids project , or other laptops , can be tracked .


  24. " There is so much hype around the netbook form factor , " she said , but that market " has not been proven in its longevity " .


  25. Nevertheless , the rapid rise of tablets has cost Acer sales , as potential customers have abandoned its notebook and netbook computers for tablet rivals .


  26. • the netbook , finally , truly could be on its way out the door , at least if recent moves by Acer and Google are any indication .


  27. Barclays Capital estimates that next year tablet sales of 31m ( including 21m iPads ) will surpass netbook shipments of 25m .


  28. Just over half of younger , prospective iPad buyers would rather have a netbook or notebook than the Apple tablet , the NPD found in a new study .


  29. The eeepc was the first ultra-cheap , scaled-down laptop ( a new category known as a netbook ) launched worldwide through commercial channels .


  30. The special attention apple is awarding game developers could pay off double if Apple uses them for another expected move in hardware , to a touch-screen tablet computer or netbook .
