- adj.粘的;粘液质的

Application of Compound-Ceramic Thermal Insulating Materials Around Pouring Steam Pipe in Mucilaginous Oil Exploitation
Morphological characteristics of mucilaginous seed coats and mucilage ;
Seed germination in Artemisia sphaerocephala I. The structure and function of the mucilaginous Achene
The Effect of Mucilaginous Substances Extracted from Foxtail Millet Embryogenic Callus Cultures on Its Protoplast Cultures
Newly formed cysts developed accumulation body 3 d later and kept forming mucilaginous substance , which might help their dispersal and survival .
Conclusion : PMP is difficult to diagnosis before surgery , PMP is considered the first diagnosis when mucilaginous fluid was drawn out .
Silicon Releasing from Serpentine and Olivine by Bacillus mucilaginous
Long mucilaginous green pods ; may be simmered or sauteed but used especially in soups and stews .
5 ) The main factors influencing loessial soil purification to Cr ( VI ) and As ( V ) are pH , organic matter , calcium , iron , aluminous compounds and contents of mucilaginous grain etc.
Abundant starch grains are accumulated in the parenchyma of ovary wall and inflated receptacle . Some cells form mucilaginous locules or develop into idioblasts containing druse crystals or tannin .
White , translucent , glossy mucilaginous callus was initiated from the mature zygotic embryos explants on callus induction medium with 2,4-D , BA , and kinetin in the 3-9th week of culture .
In addition to furthering our understanding of the ecological and evolutionary aspects of desert plants to their environment , research on mucilaginous seeds will be helpful in building a model system for exploring gene control mechanisms of carbohydrate synthesis and secretion , secondary cell wall biosynthesis and cell morphogenesis .
Of the 124 species examined , 11 species ( 7 Artemisia species , 2 Plantago species , 1 Thymus serpyllum , and 1 Linum stelleroides ) had mucilaginous diaspores , with single ones lighter than 1 mg .
M group : Endothelial cells of tunica mucosa bronchiorum seriously necrosis , mucilaginous glands accrementition , basilemma thickening , liquid exudation , bronchus infiltrate with large amount of inflammatory cells , circum - bronchus congestion , dropsy , vessel expansion .
It may stimulate the sapor nerve of tongue and oral cavity , and at the same time , it can stimulate skin verve and trigeminal and the mucilaginous velum of the nasal cavity , consequently bring the keenly feel and the especial burn sense .