
  • vt.把…视做要人,捧人


assign great social importance to
The film director was celebrated all over Hollywood
The tenor was lionized in Vienna
Synonym: lionize celebrate


  1. Older and living anonymously in Chicago , Cal was 14 when Loyalty Island faced this uncertain future - an age when he could still lionise his father and the other fishermen , but also be a keen observer .


  2. There are many reasons why the tech world does not reflect the wider population , from homophily - where those in power appoint and promote people with similar backgrounds - to the prevalence of a peculiar type of male-dominated geek culture or the fact that many companies lionise long hours .


  3. Many countries , notably those in Africa , who lionise him for channelling vast amounts of money their way to nurture the game at the grassroots , see the US action as a crass political act of revenge for America failing to win the rights to host the World Cup .
