- 网络国际理论和应用化学联合会;命名规则

Brief review on 11th IUPAC international congress of pesticide chemistry
Report on the seventh IUPAC Conference on Physical Organic Chemistry and visit to Australia
On the other hand , IUPAC system adapts some naming principles used in CA.
The distinctions about the names of several kinds of compounds between the Ca and IUPAC system
Multiply unsaturated compounds are usually best named by the IUPAC nomenclature .
Relative slip between the experiments of testing the rheological properties of the IUPAC - LDPE
Discussion of Concept of Detection Limit & The Definition , the Estimation and the Use of IUPAC and etc. Approaches
To link the compound 's name to its structure is the most significant characteristic of IUPAC naming rule .
In order to maintain the diversity of population , the algorithm uses the IUPAC degenerate code for mutation .
Chapter Two introduces the development of organic compound naming rules , characteristics of IUPAC naming rules and demonstrates with some compounds'names .
The method is related to systematic deduction of isomers on paper and IUPAC nomenclature of alkanes .
Predication of Boiling Points for Aliphatic Carbonyl Derivatives by a Modified Topological Index Based on Systematic Nomenclature of IUPAC
The original IUPAC code remains useful in all its previous applications and is also compatible as a subset of the extended code proposed here .
Here I propose such an information code as a natural extension to the IUPAC nomenclature code , and present some potential uses and limitations to such a code .
This method is an improvement and supplement to the method of International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry ( IUPAC ) . It simplifies the analysis process sharply , and could be widely applied in related analyses .
So many names are easy to cause confusion . Considering this situation , International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry ( IUPAC ) defined a series of rules to standardize the naming of organic compounds .
The results showed that nitrogen adsorption-desorption isotherms of LSF-ACFs belonged to the I isotherm according to IUPAC . Micropores were the major pores of LSF-ACFs .
The question of slip in the IUPAC - LDPE melt extrusion for sample A was examined on the basis of the available extrusion experimental data and the detailed characterization of the rheological properties of the LDPE melt at 150 ℃ .
IUPAC announced that a Russian-American team of scientists at the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research in Dubna and Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in California had produced sufficient evidence to claim the discovery of elements 115 , 117 and 118 .
According to IUPAC method to hydrolysis the triglycerides of the oil samples with pancreatic lipase and then analysis the fatty acids distributed on the 2-position of the triglycerides . Compared them with the composition of the total fatty acids by linear regression method .
The values of the uncertainties for the isotope abundances have been assessed by the IUPAC and amount to 0.9 % ~ 4.8 % . Repeatability and reproducibility of the analytical method was evaluated by test of evaluating uncertainties in laboratory instead of joint test .