For more information about the various schedulers , consult the man page for ipvsadm .
Once completed , install ipvsadm , Heartbeat , and mon from the native package management tools on the server .
Both of those scripts use of the ipvsadm command-line tool to dynamically add and remove realservers from the LVS tables .
Next , create a script to enable ipvsadm service forwarding to the realservers , and place a copy on each LVS director .
Next , to tell the directors to relay incoming HTTP requests to the HA floating IP address on to the realservers , use the ipvsadm command .
This script will not be necessary when the later configuration of mon is done to automatically monitor for active realservers , but it aids in testing the ipvsadm component until then .
The alerts are responsible for telling LVS to add or remove Apache servers from the eligibility list ( by invoking the ipvsadm command , as we shall see in a moment ) .