- 网络银河娱乐集团;斯波坎国际机场;斯普肯;斯波坎;机场

In other words , no matter on the domestic level or international level , the GEG in the future tends to a situation of big powers game and governmental response .
Cases of Gastric Eosinophilic Graunloma ( GEG ) were surveyed on respects of clinical features , X-ray phenomenen 、 endoscope 、 surgical intervention and pathological check up .
In the chapter two , the author points out that the global , permeability , non-contest , non-exclusive and externalities ' nature of ecological environment , which determine GEG is a cooperative Game .
In addition , the author defines this single game as : Although the GEG model of three-dimensional polyhedron is basically available , the interaction mechanisms among governance main bodies does not operate well and lacks of fund support .
And the theoretical assumption of this thesis is : only the interaction regimes of the multiple governance subjects run smoothly and the fund support is enough , the three-dimensional polyhedron model of GEG would have a good operation .
And then , from subjective perspective to construct the structural model in the GEG This model not only helps to interpret the complex structural features in such field , but also helps to verify necessary conditions in this Special cooperative Game .
In chapter four , take Global Environmental Facility ( GEF ) as an example , the author gives a detailed validation to the fund support of GEG in the three aspects , which are total amount , procedure and principle , field and distribution .
Facing the difficulty and long time consuming in GEF editor development , a kind of software architecture for automatically generating a GEF editor is proposed , which is implemented in the GEF editor generator ( GEG ) plug-in as a MDA tool .