
  • n.高德;花哨而俗气的装饰品;不值钱的小玩意;庸俗的排场[宴会,仪式]


cheap showy jewelry or ornament on clothing
Synonym: bangle bauble gewgaw novelty fallal trinket


  1. Gaud í is Gaudy and I Love Him For it !


  2. Well , Gaud í never explicitly explained his art , it 's pretty easy to interpret that the entire house is a dragon .


  3. Regarding the Gaud gold , the market has wide divided opinions .


  4. Gaud a gold Beijing 's customer tells " the China Times " reporter .


  5. In order to get the most out of his bizarre masterpieces , I decided to take Discover Walk 's FREE Gaud í Tour .


  6. Whether you think Gaud í was crazy or a genius , you can 't deny that his architecture has become the symbol of Barcelona .


  7. Love it or hate it , sure Gaud í 's architecture might be gaudy , but I absolutely wouldn 't have it any other way .


  8. I didn 't have much time in Barcelona , but I knew I needed to soak up as much of Gaud í 's architecture as I could while there .


  9. This picture was taken in Barcelona on the spectacular rooftop of Casa Mil à, one of the many beautiful creations of Antoni Gaud í .


  10. This is the Nativity facade of La Sagrada F a m í lia , a cathedral in Barcelona designed by famous architect Gaud í .


  11. Methods Fifty adults ( 100 sides ) skulls were measured by slide gaud , and observed course , situation and structure character of carotid canal in petrosal apex of temporal bone in63 sides .


  12. The problem is , you can only hire Gaud í and let him work - you can 't give him directions.So instead of simply making the house taller , he changed the entire fa ç ade .


  13. Critics and cartoonists mocked the intense ambition of the architects Dom è nech I Montaner , Puig I Cadafalch-and Antoni Gaud í .


  14. The promise lies partly in Alex McDowell 's elegant production design , which suggests that Krypton 's civilization was influenced by cross-cosmos currents of Gothic and Gaud í, but mainly in the darkly revisionist premise .


  15. Casa Batll ó used to be a plain house , but once the owner realized they were richer than their chocolate-making neighbor , they hired Gaud í to add a floor so that their house would be taller .


  16. I 've lingered in the Casa Batll ó because for me it is Gaud í 's masterpiece , where he perfectly achieves this sense of expression and poetry , yet it is a functioning house and apartment block .


  17. The streets are covered in cobble or large paving stones , the roofs are tiled , the colors tend toward the creams , and the plazas between the blocks feature sculptures in the style of Antoni Gaud í .


  18. The thick of feet pad : At least two observer measured the thick of the hind feet pad of experimental rats with slide gaud by blind method on the 5th day after sensitization when the red swelling of the skin of hind feet pad reached the peak .


  19. Last year , La Roca Village attracted 3.3 million shoppers , mostly foreigners , which makes it the most visited tourist attraction in Barcelona - superseding even Catalan architect Antoni Gaud í " s epic and internationally famous Sagrada Familia cathedral .


  20. Meeting outside the Casa Batll ó , I was blown away by its appearance.The tour didn 't just focus on Gaud í , our guide BL , a native to Barcelona , did a fantastic job explaining the history behind many of buildings we saw and also the culture of Barcelona .
