- 网络交友;像朋友一样;加为好友;加好友

The coinage was largely overlooked for centuries . With the advent1 of the social network Facebook in 2004 , friending became widely adopted .
Friending means to act as the friend of someone or to include ( someone ) in a list of designated friends on a person 's social networking site .
The word comes from a term coined by Shakespeare in Hamlet , act 1 , scene 5 : And what so poor a man as Hamlet is May do , to express his love and friending to you .
Users also gain badges for sharing , playing , and friending .
They were friending me when I first arrived in Boston as a student .
These would involve " friending " and " following " large numbers of random people to thwart attempts at network analysis .
But most of those " friending " or " following " online retailers are already loyal customers .
Meanwhile , Goldman and the other banks which hope to turn these vehicles into a big business should consider friending some good lawyers .
And if your partner is annoyed or angry with you for friending their friend , that may indicate another warning sign .
without texting , emailing , blogging , friending , tweeting , googling
Dig deeper by friending your partner 's new buddy . If they don 't accept , or they accept but don 't let you see all their information , they may be hiding something .
It was starting to have the vibe of friending , liking and sharing on Facebook , and that always gives me acid flashbacks to the " 80s when I was forced to go to my brother 's house and watch slides of his wedding .