- 网络恶臭的;难闻的;臭的;臭烘烘

The city is covered by a foul-smelling cloud of smoke .
About on this crowded , foul-smelling ship .
An foul-smelling outflow or vapor ( especially a gaseous waste ) .
The lake near the factory was covered with grey , foul-smelling scum .
When awakened after receiving the foul-smelling air , most women reported having dreams with a negative cast .
The small , foul-smelling , pinkish flowers are borne directly on the branches and trunk ;
He began to have frequent , frothy , foul-smelling stools .
The skunk is noted for the foul-smelling liquid produced by scent glands under its tail .
This proteolysis and anaerobic breakdown of proteins that yields foul-smelling amine compounds is called putrefaction .
The patient coughs very often and expectorates foul-smelling grayish sputum .
Large tree of Old World tropics having foul-smelling orange-red blossoms followed by red pods enclosing oil-rich seeds sometimes used as food .
However , it wasn 't gold or silver that the ship was carrying but hundreds of jars of a foul-smelling fish sauce .
It all started when it moved campuses to a suburb of Changzhou in last September , and students started complaining about foul-smelling air .
Scrubby Australian acacia having extremely foul-smelling blossoms .
As a result you sweat more , digest at a much slower rate , and emit foul-smelling gases via flatulence and sweat .
But the Bell & Evans tenders did well with the two-week test : I got foul-smelling chicken , but it remained intact .
Firefighters were later seen hosing off the equipment used to hoist the obeseand foul-smelling man from the apartment block and disinfecting their protective clothing .
Large numbers of angry workers can drive off larger animals despite their lack of stingers ; the ants release foul-smelling chemicals and will bite repeatedly .
Researchers at Columbia University 's Health Services point to excess caffeine and alcohol consumption as the reason for foul-smelling body odor ( not to mention bad breath ) .
Enforced idleness was pointless and depressing , especially when she had to sit still and have a foul-smelling oat face pack applied to her cheeks .
Symptoms for them include three to five bouts a day of usually foul-smelling , watery diarrhoea , sometimes blood-stained , accompanied by abdominal cramping and pain .
One evening , as usual , the lad turned off the lamps in the ladies ' room and men 's room . The only lavatories are foul-smelling public ones .
When the waters receded , they found their home and school destroyed : their furniture , carpets , books , clothes and the audio system entirely caked in thick foul-smelling mud .
However , I 've always felt uncomfortable after smoking , there 's a foul-smelling taste in my mouth-i myself cannot bear to smell it , how much more so others then .
An elderly woman 3 ) wobbled over to one while the other approached a toothless , foul-smelling man with rags 4 ) draped over his sickly body .
Any foul-smelling pustules on your shins ?
Researchers found that the aluminum compounds present in deodorants and antiperspirants killed off killing off good ( or non-smelly ) bacteria and encouraged the growth of bad ( or foul-smelling ) armpit bacteria .
The decaying feet , some dating back to 1967 , were being ' cleaned up ' , plumped up and whitened at the ' foul-smelling ' plant using bleach and other chemicals , before being prepared for sale .
' Even though it has been argued that bad scents invoke negative judgments , we argued and demonstrated that a bad body odour elicits feelings of pity in others . 'This can include underarm sweat , smelly feet , bad breath or other foul-smelling odours .
However , you didn 't expect lack of essential carbohydrates would cause such stanky body odor . A 2014 study published in the Annals of Internal Medicine journal , linked law carb diets ( or those who glean less than 50-percent of their calories from carbohydrates ) with some foul-smelling side effects .