- adj.恶臭的

The horizon was swimming in a fetid heat haze .
The fetid air of the prison cell made her want to vomit .
Study on the Cotton bollworm in the wheat - fetid
Properties of Exclusive OR Logic and Logic Realization of the Galois Fetid Arithmetic Operation
The air of the room was fetid with stale tobacco smoke .
Also widely uses in the special environment air to purify , to eliminate the fetid odor and so on .
Experimental study on the active situs of fetid cassia seed to reduce blood lipid and their dose-effect relation
The air was fetid , the room a shambles .
The sea was blue in the fetid bubbles floating around , groups whiten of marine life to die ;
This has the water absorbability , the absorption carbon dioxide emits the amine fetid odor .
Rare small evergreen of northern Florida ; its glossy green leaves have an unpleasant fetid smell when crushed .
She walked out of the fetid , goat-frying air and into the blessed cool of the lobby .
The fetid odor vanished after the fermentation .
Undercity , home of the fetid rotting dead and possibly the best chili I 've ever had , got one chapter .
I rather enjoyed the comfort of the situ-ation , although most of my friends had foul breath or fetid odors about them .
They all have drawbacks , but a fetid pool of underwater mortgages will , much like Japan 's loans to zombie firms , corrode the financial system and harm the recovery .
In the fuel gas H2S is one kind of fetid odor colorless gas , when burning may produce virulent SO2 , so It is necessary removing H2S from coal-gas before use .
The gossamer strands , slowly overtaking a lakefront peninsula , emit a fetid odor , perhaps from the dead insects entwined in the silk .
The engines were howling again as though in pain , and the air inside the plane was acrid with the smell of machinery and fetid with the stench of gasoline .
Character : This for the tan coherent liquid , has the special fetid odor slightly . This has the water absorbability , the absorption carbon dioxide emits the amine fetid odor .
The smell of sweat , of blood , of unwashed bodies , of excrement rose up in waves of blistering heat until the fetid stench almost nauseated her .
Conclusion The fetid cassia seed ethyl acetate extract is the active situs of fetid cassia seed reducing blood lipid ; its effective dose ranges 0.50 ~ 1.25 g · kg-1 · d-1 .
A malodorous California herb with bell-shaped flowers ; a common weed in grainfields . The bloom of the fetid hellebores is for their highlight at this end of December .
Using infrared imaging instrument , the process of tension press and lower cycle fatigue is measured continuously for plate test piece of metal . Further the measured results are processed numerically and the numerical response of dynamic temperature fetid on the surface of measured piece is obtained .
Standing on a concrete embankment overlooking a fetid , floating array of plastic bottles , foam takeout containers , flip-flops and the occasional dead fish , Wu Lihong , the lake 's unofficial guardian , shook his head in disgust .
Somewhere on a fetid , fog-bound mud bank on this planet there stands , surrounded by the dirty , broken and empty carapaces of the last few jeweled scuttling crabs , a small stone monument which marks the place , where it is thought , the species Vogon Vogonblurtus first arose .