首页 / 词典 / good


美 [ˈfɪksɪŋ]英 [ˈfɪksɪŋ]
  • v.使固定;安装;决定,确定(日期、时间、数量等);组织;安排
  • n.固定;修理;【摄】定影;〈美〉设备
  • fix的现在分词



  • 1
    VERB 固定;安装
    If something is fixed somewhere, it is attached there firmly or securely.

    It is fixed on the wall...


  • 2
    VERB 确定,决定,选定(日期、价格、政策等)
    If you fix something, for example a date, price, or policy, you decide and say exactly what it will be.

    He's going to fix a time when I can see him...


  • 3
    VERB 安排;弄妥
    If you fix something for someone, you arrange for it to happen or you organize it for them.

    I've fixed it for you to see Bonnie Lachlan...


  • 4
    VERB 修理;维修
    If you fix something which is damaged or which does not work properly, you repair it.

    He cannot fix the electricity...


  • 5
    VERB 处理,解决(问题等)
    If you fix a problem or a bad situation, you deal with it and make it satisfactory.

    It's not too late to fix the problem, although time is clearly getting short...


  • 6
    N-COUNT 解决方案(或措施)
    You can refer to a solution to a problem as a fix .

    Many of those changes could just be a temporary fix.


  • 7
    V-ERG (目光)专注于,凝视;目不转睛地看
    If you fix your eyes on someone or something or if your eyes fix on them, you look at them with complete attention.

    She fixes her steel-blue eyes on an unsuspecting local official...


  • 8
    VERB (用某种表情)看着,望着
    If you fix someone with a particular kind of expression, you look at them in that way.

    He took her hand and fixed her with a look of deep concern...


  • 9
    VERB 将(注意力)集中在;专心考虑
    If you fix your attention on someone or something, you think about them with complete attention.

    Fix your attention on the practicalities of financing your schemes...


  • 10
    VERB 牢记,铭记,镌刻(在头脑中)
    If someone or something is fixed in your mind, you remember them well, for example because they are very important, interesting, or unusual.

    Leonard was now fixed in his mind...


  • 11
    VERB 把(枪、相机、雷达)对准(或瞄准、指向)
    If someone fixes a gun, camera, or radar on something, they point it at that thing.

    The US crew fixed its radar on the Turkish ship...


  • 12
    VERB (通常用雷达或电子设备)找到,弄清,确定(确切位置)
    If you fix the position of something, you find out exactly where it is, usually by using radar or electronic equipment.

    He had not been able to fix his position...


  • 13
    N-SING 了解;理解;认识
    If you get a fix on someone or something, you have a clear idea or understanding of them.

    It's been hard to get a steady fix on what's going on.


  • 14
    VERB 做,准备(食物或饮料)
    If you fix some food or a drink for someone, you make it or prepare it for them.

    Sarah fixed some food for us...


  • 15
    VERB 整理,收拾(头发、衣服或妆容)
    If you fix your hair, clothes, or make-up, you arrange or adjust them so you look neat and tidy, showing you have taken care with your appearance.

    'I've got to fix my hair,' I said and retreated to my bedroom...


  • 16
    VERB 矫正(牙齿);整形
    If you have your teeth fixed, you have treatment from a dentist to make your teeth even, straight, and white.

    The PR man suggested that I might benefit from getting my teeth fixed...


  • 17
    VERB 在(比赛、竞选等活动中)作弊,做手脚,操纵
    If someone fixes a race, election, contest, or other event, they make unfair or illegal arrangements or use deception to affect the result.

    They offered opposing players bribes to fix a decisive league match against Valenciennes...


  • 18
    VERB 操纵,操控(价格)
    If you accuse someone of fixing prices, you accuse them of making unfair arrangements to charge a particular price for something, rather than allowing market forces to decide it.

    ...a suspected cartel that had fixed the price of steel for the construction market...


  • 19
    N-COUNT (毒品)一剂,一次用量
    An injection of an addictive drug such as heroin can be referred to as a fix .

  • 20
    N-COUNT (维持身体或心理需要所需的)一个剂量,一定数量
    You can use fix to refer to an amount of something which a person gets or wants and which helps them physically or psychologically to survive.

    It turned the country into an 'aid junkie', heavily dependent on its annual fix of dollars...


  • 21
    N-SING (尤指由自己引起的)困境,窘境
    If you are in a fix, you are in a difficult situation, especially one that you have caused for yourself.

    He was in a fix...


  • 22
    VERB 定(影);定(色)
    To fix something such as a dye or photographic image means to treat it with chemicals so that it does not lose its colour or disappear.

    Certain pigment colours were painted on to dry plaster using tempera (where egg yolk is used to fix the pigment)...


  • 23
    VERB 使永远停止;制止;收拾
    If you say that you will fix someone, you mean that you will stop their activities permanently.

    That'll fix him.


  • 24
    VERB 打算;想要;计划
    If you say that you are fixing to do something, you mean that you are planning or intending to do it.

    I'm fixing to go to graduate school...


  • 25
    PHRASAL VERB 决定;确定;选定
    If you fix on a particular thing, you decide that it is the one you want and will have.

    The Vietnamese government has fixed on May 19th to celebrate his anniversary.


  • 26
    PHRASAL VERB 安排;确定
    If you fix something up, you arrange it.

    I fixed up an appointment to see her...


  • 27
    PHRASAL VERB 装饰;修饰;整理
    If you fix something up, you do work that is necessary in order to make it more suitable or attractive.

    I've fixed up Matthew's old room...


  • 28
    PHRASAL VERB 向…提供;为…准备
    If you fix someone up with something they need, you provide it for them.

    We'll fix him up with a tie...



the act of putting something in working order again
Synonym: repair fix fixture mend mending reparation
(histology) the preservation and hardening of a tissue sample to retain as nearly as possible the same relations they had in the living body
Synonym: fixation
the sterilization of an animal
they took him to the vet for neutering
Synonym: neutering altering
restraint that attaches to something or holds something in place
Synonym: fastener fastening holdfast


  1. A fixing wall in type socket or a wiring plate type socket can be reloaded with different contact parts at any time as required .


  2. Control of Welding Quality in the Engineering of Pressure Pipeline Fixing


  3. We need to fix a date for the next meeting .


  4. There is no quick fix for the steel industry .


  5. The car won 't start ─ can you fix it ?


  6. I need a fix of coffee before I can face the day .


  7. I 'll fix you up with a place to stay .


  8. I 'll have a go at fixing it tonight .


  9. They managed to get a fix on the yacht 's position .


  10. Not to worry ─ I can soon fix it .


  11. I 'll fix my hair and then I 'll be ready .


  12. We can fix the ship 's exact position at the time the fire broke out .


  13. We had to stop to fix a flat .


  14. They 're sending an engineer to fix the phone .


  15. You have to fix visits up in advance with the museum .


  16. It 's difficult to pin her down to fixing a date for a meeting .


  17. Don 't worry ─ I 'll fix him .


  18. I 'll try to fix it ─ but it 's not trivial .


  19. Don 't worry , I 'll fix it with Sarah .


  20. Can I fix a drink for you ?


  21. I 'll fix a meeting .


  22. Sit down ─ I 'll fix supper for you .


  23. He tried to get a fix on the young man 's motives , but he just couldn 't understand him .


  24. While we talked , Bill busied himself fixing lunch .


  25. I 'll fix supper .


  26. This will put us in a very difficult economic fix .


  27. He 's going to fix a time when I can see him


  28. Many of those changes could just be a temporary fix .


  29. The government has really got itself into a fix


  30. They send a service engineer to fix the disk drive .
