- 网络大胆地;毅然地

I think of the poem that Philip Larkin wrote for his goddaughter where he wishes her not beauty or exceptional gifts but rather daringly ordinariness .
She also daringly used materials that were traditionally associated with men 's undergarments to make loose and comfortable blouses for women .
Her daringly low-cut dress scandalised audiences .
They daringly participate in the current social transformation and help shape the information world as we see today .
Monism of Labor Theory of Value may stop : daringly discussing the great discussion on Labor Theory of Value
Now , I can paint daringly , naturally , I have made a great progress .
This article analyses the new environment , gives feasible advice for teachers ' development , and designs a new teaching model daringly .
Daringly , he set out on a camping trip in East Africa .
We must play daringly , and aggressive .
In the process of seeking development mode suitable for the national conditions in their practice , they daringly tried new initiatives to promote economic and social development .
Each author has daringly experimented with the problem of closing the narrative and the protagonist 's life at the same time .
I think one of the reasons was because the roof was so top-heavy and nothing so daringly inclined had ever been built before .
As a person who has ability in being responsible for his own , to daringly face reality and courageously meet challenges may be the most important key to success .
Inspired by this good omen , the Greek navy daringly engaged and defeated the Persian fleet at the battle of Salamis .
During fiercely animadverts on the comprehensive dissimilation of modern capitalism , combining nearly the new characteristics of western society development in 20th century , western Marxists absorb and utilize daringly the psychoanalysis .
And while taps by Heritage Bathrooms ( founded in 1924 ) might usually confer an air of architectural originality , in this bathroom ( founded c1330 ) they feel daringly modern .
In the 1980s , the suits were cut daringly high ( think : Jane Fonda aerobicizing ) , but they now land at a more modest point just under the hipbone .
Her little feet were made to dance , not to limp , her tiny slippers to peep daringly from under bright silks , not to collect sharp pebbles and dust .
Complete requirements analysis and design of OSC data catching software , test and modify the software . Do experiments to record data using it . Analyze and process a large number of recorded data . Guess the network management protocol daringly . 3 .
Rather daringly , Mr Bernanke called not just for better fiscal policy , but for a better fiscal-policy process , with clear and transparent budget goals , together with budget mechanisms to establish the credibility of those goals .
A month from now in this very place , the numerous fishing boats of the harvesters will gather , and these are the waters their divers will ransack so daringly .
I am more used to castles where the pleasures are in the Grand Tour mould : places that offer the past up amid silences and scones - and where even an audioguide can seem daringly avant garde .