- n.忏悔

Well , you bring them back and make your act of contrition .
If you can hear me , say the act of contrition .
In contrition she expatiated on the beauty of the garden .
The next day he 'd be full of contrition , weeping and begging forgiveness .
She forgave him because his contrition was real .
one must express contrition for one 's sins ...
Contrition cannot define a political order .
You need to show contrition .
But another everyday observation is that powerful people who have been caught out often show little sign of contrition .
It can afford for now to avoid the level of contrition shown by Rio Tinto last week .
Zhong has since apologized , but the public are not convinced by his contrition .
Through her own contrition , Karen learned that she herself was weak and afraid .
He will express some contrition for the war , though perhaps not enough for the taste of some in congress .
Over the years , a procession of Japanese prime ministers has expressed contrition for colonial rule and wartime aggression .
Making matters worse , there 's a gender'apology gap ' : Men and women have different approaches and different expectations when it comes to acts of contrition .
The papal apology was widely anticipated and echoes the contrition the pope expressed on a visit to the United States earlier this year .
Antinomianism makes the great mistake of insisting that God uses the gospel , not the law , to work contrition and to give guidance for Christian living .
The act of communicating with a deity ( especially as a petition or in adoration or contrition or thanksgiving ) .
Mr Diamond may think he has done his penance . But such acts of contrition as there might have been have escaped the notice of just about everyone else .
In 2009 , he expressed contrition for the past in a speech in November , he said : We participated in things that were clearly wrong and have reason to regret .
Disgraced former New York Governor Eliot Spitzer , aiming for a political comeback , sounded a note of contrition on the " Tonight Show . " Friday .
Far from showing any hint of contrition , it insisted that an apology should come from the South for halting tourist visits to Mount Kumgang .
Japan 's relations with its Asian neighbors have often been poor because of tokyo 's lack of contrition for its aggression and harsh colonial rule in the first half of the20th century .
In his speech , Mr. Blatter did offer a small nod toward acknowledging FIFA 's shortcomings - the week 's events " demand action and change from us all , " he said - but he did not put forth contrition .
While expressing contrition , Rupert Murdoch exonerated all the senior executives who ran the UK business during the relevant period , including Rebekah Brooks , her predecessor , Les Hinton , and James Murdoch himself .
By contrast , Mr Schmidt shows no contrition when responding to the recent court ruling in Italy convicting three top Google executives of criminal wrongdoing after its YouTube video website showed footage of a disabled boy being bullied by classmates .
Through a combination of vanity , greed and sheer incompetence , he presided over the biggest banking disaster in British history , to the great cost of the taxpayer and the British economy , and showed no practical contrition for having done so .
She had shaved her head , a traditional act of contrition inJapan , but perhaps a step too far for a 20-year-old woman whose " crime " was to have found herself a boyfriend - 19-year-old Alan Shirahama , a dancer in a boyband .