- adv.滑稽地;可笑地;诙谐地

He began comically ad-libbing a script
Not surprisingly , their vision was almost comically narrow .
One video comically claimed to have a magic formula but the end result was not very convincing .
On the girl 's shoulder sat a little marmoset scratching its head comically .
Hyman grew up outside New York City in New Rochelle , where her high school extracurricular-activity list was almost comically long .
And in fact , our admiration for the comically gifted is relatively new and not very well-founded ,
Strangely or should we say comically enough , the story was denied by the comedian shortly after .
Many who cite his apologetic approach have a comically wooden understanding of how he approached people to win them to faith .
And Bill Nighy gloriously steals every scene as Emma 's comically overprotective father .
Eventually one of the bears managed to shove his brother off the end of the log , leaving him clinging on comically .
a comically grotesque retinue of personal staff , including someone whose job is best summarised as Chief Positioner of the Royal Bendy Drink Straw ;
The women I talked to had plenty of stories of male investors who didn 't want to fund them for reasons that were either comically antiquated or suspiciously hazy .
Lord Rothschild points out the aviary that will be the comically appropriate venue for " cracked egg " , that symbol of 21st-century decadence .
By breaking the problem down into smaller chunks even comically small ones that require only 1 minute of activity and doing just that one little thing , you prove to yourself the task isnt insurmountable .
The Queen was seen comically rolling her eyes when Prince Charles called her ' mummy ' during her star-studded 92nd birthday bash at the Royal Albert Hall last night .
She switched his name from Wormy to Mr. Burns ( after the Simpsons character ) and then Toonie ( since he looks so comically cartoonish ) and eventually Tuna .
Demand , however , is fairly obvious : A pop-up cat cafe in New York City , open for only a few days this year , drew an almost comically long line of customers and high level of attention online .
The tech founders who will rule our future are shown as hapless and comically myopic , inspired either by a desire for world domination or by petty efforts to relieve their social anxieties .
It was presumed he 'd be back , but when the Houston Rockets presented a three-year $ 25 million offer , the Knicks grew irritated , comically stingy , and passed .
The Lakers have operated chaotically for several years , and Leonard 's only professional experiences involved the almost comically hyperfunctional Spurs and last year 's Raptors , who also seemed to have everything figured out .
At once , Katie rose into the air , not as Ron had done , suspended comically by the ankle , but gracefully , her arms outstretched , as though she was about to fly .
Chinese officials faced with public controversies in the era of social media have tended to choose one of two strategies : 1 ) say nothing ; or 2 ) have the local government issue a comically murky statement on their behalf that essentially says nothing .
In return , along with his life and his wife 's , he is promised the un-banning of his subversive drama about Moli è re - grotesque , masked scenes from which intrude on the main story , as do comically appalling passages from the Stalin tribute .