- 网络澳大利亚国家英语学院

" I had learnt the import ance of relationships with people , on all kinds of levels . "
A Study of Regular Primary School Teachers ' Accept ance of Special Needs Children
A Way on Designing Software and Hardware of High - Perform Ance Digital Camera
The marxist theory of state inherit - - ance , develop better on .
They will share almost one and a half million dollars for their analysis of economic ance .
Conclusion Dragon 's blood capsules is effective for treatment of ance vulgaris .
45 % ance patient frequently use the cosmetics .
Effects of caffeine on perform ance during sleep deprivation
Good psychology can guarantee the students majoring in dance to finish drills and perform - ance better .
A clinic review for altramet combined with zinc sulfate to treated 198 patients with ance
The paper gives a reference to technical design of C  ̄ 3I system engineering and the system accept - ance and appraisement .
本文可对C ̄3I系统工程总体技术设计可行性论证,以及系统验收评审提供参考。
The factors affecting sports rhythm include competitive ability factor perform - ance factor , venue environment factor , and results assessment factor . 5 .
Genetic study on cold tole ance at the seedling stage in rice was made using 6 indica / japonica crosses .
Inn av alp arl ance , the left side of a ship is the port side .
Game boy a DV ance .
Method and tool groups could support guid ance modeling activities by adopt ing a company-specific SOAD metamodel .
The relation between crease-resist ance of cotton fabric and crease-resist agent , accelerant and additive is studied .
There was even some dist & # 173 ; ance between Ben and me .
For FCM kinds of algorithms , initialization of seed is a key factor to reduce the computation time and to guarantee avoid ance of the local minimum .
Insurance for children with special health care needs : Patterns of coverage and bur - den on families to provide adequate insur - ance
The fifth paper provides a brief description of the observations of crustal deformation and the perform - ance and accuracy of some instruments used in the United States .
This paper introduces the principle of heat insulation , chemical com position , dosing method and perfor-m ance test result of reflection and heat insulation waterproof coating .
Emphasis is laid on the study of its corrosion resistance , hardness , wearing resist - ance , micromotion abrasion and micro motion fatigue properties .
Conclusion : The combination of facial acupuncture and pricking blood and cupping is a safe and convenient therapeutic method with remarkable effects in the treatment of ance .
They also suggested different ways of structuring the guid ance models-including the organiza tional dimensions defined by enterprise architecture frameworks .
During a s é ance , several persons sit at a table and touch hands . An individual , usually called a medium leads the s é ance .
The penetrating of information technology caused the insur - ance industry join in the network economy actively , Passed through more than ten years development , the network insurance forms scale initially .
The basic rationale of contract relativity principle in the traditional contract theory is to convey self - gover ance , contract freedom and freedom of protecting the third person .
In many applications of Active Noise-Cancellation Earmuff ( ANCE ), communication signal is introduced into the earmuff while the function of active noise cancellation is being realized .
The effect of raising machine speed upon tilth resist - ance and the ratio of power consumption is the same as that of reducing the revolutionary speed of sweep cylinder .