- 网络辛克;津克;相纸;锌霜

John Zink 's unique boiler burner test facility employs leading measurement and data-collection equipment , and testing quality control that has earned the approval of regulatory authorities and OEMs .
Jama , Zink , and Potipher , he thought darkly-the village troublemakers .
The Design and Application Study of DCS Control System in the Roasting Technology for Zink Smelting
Mr Zink says all business units have contributed to the turnround .
Small quantities of potassium , sodium and zink can have large influence on reactivity of the fuel .
Certification , following review by a third party , confirms that Zink 's system meets the requirements of the internationally recognized ISO14001 Environmental Management System .
John Zink 's high-pressure flare systems safely deliver the highest smokeless capacities and lowest radiation of any high-pressure flare design .
And you see how Creoles Zink of our brave Beauregard and of your general lee .
Row , who like Zink is white , takes guilt to an astounding allegorical extreme : The surest cure for white oppression is to eliminate whiteness .
Zink left some $ 50,000 in trust for75 yeas , at the end of which time he hoped the fund would have swelled to $ 3 million , enough to found the Zink Womanless Library .
Variations in zink equivalent of a given brass may appreciably affect the corrosion fatigue properties so that suitable controll of the zink equivalent and hereafter the ratio of α to β phases in the microstructure is also a way to prolong the service life of propellers .
MISLAID . By Nell Zink . ( Ecco / HarperCollins , $ 26.99 . ) Zink 's screwball comic novel about the making and unmaking of an American family lays bare our assumptions about race and sexuality .