- n.Zillow公司;一家美国线上房地产公司

And , after checking Zillow three times a week , they have an idea of the value of their homes .
Zillow 's got a hot stock , up seven-fold from its 2011 IPO .
A report by real estate firm zillow this week showed prices rose 0.2 % in the second quarter - the first quarterly increase since 2007 .
Zillow has been battling Trulia for nine years .
It started , he said , when Benchmark investor Bill Gurley called Zillow Chairman Rich Barton to ask his opinion of Twitter .
Zillow is planning an entire day of executive-to-executive meetings with TrueCar , a site that provides pricing information to consumers gleaned from collecting auto leasing data .
The median home value in the city is $ 86,300 , according to the Zillow Home Value Index , and on Sept.30 the median sale price was $ 66,900 .
Benchmark is responsible for early stage funding of some very successful startups such as eBay , Linden Labs , Yelp and Zillow .
Property prices in East Hampton , New York City and Beverly Hills were up about 10 percent last year , according to Zillow , a Seattle-based site that estimates home values .
Briefly a journalist and then an investment banker , the CEO of the real estate information site Zillow has fashioned himself into the epitome of the self-improvement boss .
Sami Inkinen , co-founder of Trulia , the real estate website sold for $ 3.5bn to competitor Zillow , trains one to two hours a day even while travelling .
This comes as home values nationwide rose 0.2 % year-over-year to a median $ 149,300 during the second quarter , the first annual increase since 2007 , real estate listing site zillow reported today .
I asked him how it came to be that Zillow , whose shareholders will end up with two thirds of the combined company , became the gobbler rather than the gobbled .
OpenTable showed that not only were the markets safe for a growing , profitable Internet company , but its surging stock price since then helped warm the waters for others like LinkedIn and zillow to jump in .
LinkedIn has risen 112 % , Pandora ( P ) 199 % , zillow ( z ) 204 % , and yelp ( yelp ) 285 % .
Two of the IPOs in which benchmark was lucky enough to be an investor ( zillow and servicesource ) had particularly good showing on this " pricing-to-filing " metric with 93 and 94 days respectively .
Zillow 's Chief Economist Stan Humphries told CNBC that he believes this is partly why the inventory of homes on the market is so low , a dynamic that has held back the real estate recovery in recent months .