global climate system

美 [ˈɡloʊbl ˈklaɪmət ˈsɪstəm]英 [ˈɡləʊbl ˈklaɪmət ˈsɪstəm]
  • 全球气候系统
global climate systemglobal climate system
  1. The arctic ice cap is , in a sense , the beating heart of the global climate system .


  2. The interdecadal variability of surface energy balance and its related regional atmospheric circulation results from that of the global climate system .


  3. The multiple factors that are now destabilizing the global climate system could cause it to jump abruptly out of its current state .


  4. Thorsten Markus : We should not underestimate the importance of sea ice to the global climate system .


  5. Still , it is possible that environmental changes triggered by a changing global climate system may extend territories where insect-borne diseases are endemic .


  6. In addition , the feed-back of cloud cover in global climate system and its variation with other climatic variables are also dealt with qualitatively .


  7. Current projections of general circulation models imply rates of change of the global climate system that exceed those of almost any natural variation in the geologic past .


  8. A sea ice numerical simulation is useful for forecasting the status and variation of sea ice distribution and its effect on the global climate system with the development of numerical simulation .


  9. The export and cycle processes of the riverine carbon are closely related to coastal zone environment , dynamics of the ocean carbon pool and the global climate system .


  10. Since the beginning of this century , the global climate system to warming as the main feature change become increasingly significant , had a profound impact on the survival and development of human society .


  11. United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change ( FCCC ) is the most important legal achievement made by international community for the purpose of protecting global climate system and addressing climate change .


  12. Our results may , therefore , be useful for better understanding of the forcing mechanisms behind the Asian monsoon and its role in the global climate system , more forecasting of future climate change .


  13. The most fundamental modes of variability of the global climate system are the diurnal and seasonal cycles , Which are associated with large and well-defined variations in the solar forcing .


  14. The study of the net primary productivity ( NPP ) will contribute to the study of the carbon cycle and the carbon dynamic changes . Its sensitivity has a great influence on the global climate system .


  15. The variations of the Antarctic sea-ice in each sea region are obviously different . This kind of different variations in each region may have different influence on a regional atmospheric circulation and further on global climate system .


  16. But since the Industrial Revolution , the humanity has excessively used fossil fuels such as coal , petroleum and so on , discharges massive greenhouse gas , causes the global climate system to appear climatic change with being warmer as its main characteristic .


  17. The Antarctic Circumpolar Current ( ACC ) is an area of intense scientific interest due to its unique features and influences it has on the global climate system However , studies of the ACC are rare due to the lack of in situ observations .


  18. As an important component of global climate system , the Polar sea ice impacts global climate by sea surface radiation balance , mass balance , energy balance , as well as the circulation of sea water temperature and salinity . Sea ice has been studied for a long time .


  19. Since 1980s continuous development of the global climate observing system , successful implementation of the international field experiments in different regions as well as the fast development of computer performance have provided great support to the booming of climate models .


  20. We will work with other members of the international community to boost green development , advocate low-carbon way of life , emphasize sharing of energy-saving and environmental protection technologies , and foster a global climate governance system that is fair , reasonable , and focused on win-win cooperation .


  21. The global climate is a gigantic system cycling water and energy .


  22. Climate change is a global problem , which determines to implement the construction of the system in accordance with the framework of Global Climate Observation System .


  23. The continuous rising of sea level has become a global environmental problem that influences the sustainable development of human society , and as a result relative scientific problem has become the hotspot of the research on changes of global climate and environment system .
