feature of speech

A Study on the Essential Feature of Speech Signals
The problem of syntactic feature of speech is one of the important contents in syntactic study .
( linguistics ) pertaining to a feature of speech that extends over more than a single speech sound .
Searl considers the intentionality as the primary feature of speech act , holding that the illustration of language meaning is inseparable from intentionality .
Finally , according to the feature of speech recognition system which is designed in the paper , the principle of DTW arithmetic is discussed to be the recognition method of this system and the simulation process of the recognition voice is done using this method .
According to the simulated results , the power spectrum of ARMA model is more accurate than that of AR model , which is more suitable to reflect the feature of speech signal . ( 4 ) ARMA model is used in CELP .
Difference technology can express the dynamic feature parameters of speech .
MFCC feature extraction of speech based on pitch period
The feature distribution of speech and non-speech , and the form of change , are examined for speech detection .
For the length of feature vectors of speech samples is different , direct cutting and Dynamic Time Warping ( DTW ) regulation , are put forward to solve the problem .
Using the invariable characteristics of PCNN time series and entropy series of Spectrogram , people can extract the feature of speakers speech and recognize the speakers rapidly and effectively .
During simulation experiment , wavelet analysis technique is adopted to extract feature vectors of speech , the results show that SVM and FSVM have both higher correct recognition rate and shorter training time than RBF network .
In order to assess speech quality effectively , a new approach of feature extraction of speech signals , MFSC ( Mel-frequency spectral coefficient ), was proposed on the basis of the speech perception model .
This paper uses wavelet theory in noise-robust feature extraction of speech recognition and introduces a feature extraction method based on Gauss wavelet filter . The Gauss wavelet filter with human critical frequency band is obtained by studying human auditory characteristics .
Design and analysis of acoustic feature for corpus of speech synthesis
Study on Robust Feature Extraction Method of Speech and Audio-based Context Recognition
Extraction and Analysis of the Feature of Complex Wavelet Speech Spectrogram Based on Mathematical Morphology
Objective To compare between two methods of speech input , with the aim of providing a reference for further research of phonetic feature of Chinese pathological speech .
The system performance of dialect identification depends on feature extraction of the speech signal , and the reasonable selection of characteristic parameters can greatly improve the recognition rate on dialect identification system .
In the new model is established , the speech recognition system , the selection of the speech signal of speech signal feature extraction and recognition of speech signal analysis .
First of all , I analyse the prosodic feature of the news broadcasting speech with the knowledge of acoustic-phonetics . For example , the extending of the syllable duration is the acoustic characteristics of the pre-boundary syllables and the accented syllables .