Glacial Maximum

美 [ˈɡleɪʃl ˈmæksɪməm]英 [ˈɡleɪʃl ˈmæksɪməm]
  • 网络冰川作用极盛期;最大冰期;最大冰川期
Glacial MaximumGlacial Maximum
  1. The Shift of Tropical Zone During The Last Glacial Maximum in China


  2. Analysis of Sea-Level Variation in the East China Sea Since the Last Glacial Maximum


  3. Evolution and drought events in arid region of northern China since the last glacial maximum


  4. A modeling research on East Asia monsoonal climate at the last glacial maximum


  5. Reconstruction of paleocoastlines for the northwestern South China Sea since the Last Glacial Maximum


  6. The last glacial maximum climate problem in the sea area of the Nansha islands , south China Sea


  7. Desert Evolution and Climate Change of Southern Margin of Tengger Desert since Last Glacial Maximum


  8. Sea-level rise and sedimentary environment response in the East China continental shelf since the last glacial maximum


  9. An Overview of the Research on Channel Evolution in the Yangtze River Mouth Region Since the Last Glacial Maximum


  10. Paleoclimatic evolution deduced from organic carbon isotope of western Loess Plateau sediments since Last Glacial Maximum


  11. Preliminary study on the Climate Changes in the Processes of Regression before the Last Glacial Maximum in the Yangtze Delta Area


  12. Rapid climate variability recorded by mollusk species on the Loess Plateau during the last glacial maximum


  13. Grain-size characteristics of the first hard clay and their environmental implications during the last glacial maximum in the Hangzhou Bay region


  14. Comparison Between Nanjing Stalagmite δ ~ ( 18 ) O and Annual Layer Thickness Records During the Last Glacial Maximum


  15. Pollen-based reconstruction of vegetation in China during the mid-Holocene and last glacial maximum using a global scheme of plant functional types


  16. Century-scale climatic oscillations during the last glacial maximum recorded in a stalagmite from Nanjing


  17. Oxygen and carbon stable isotopic records of planktonic foraminifers from the western equatorial Pacific since the last glacial maximum


  18. Variations in the eolian environment of North America during the last glacial maximum and their significance in the global abrupt climatic events


  19. Climate conditions in the Last Glacial Maximum ( LGM , 18 kaBP ) were remarkably different from the present .


  20. The discovery of palaeo eolian sand formed in the last glacial maximum and environmental evolution in the northwest of Shanxi


  21. High-resolution simulations of the last glacial maximum climate over europe : a solution to discrepancies with Continental palaeoclimatic reconstructions ?


  22. The geological evidence of the global moisture condition changes since the last glacial maximum : the construction of global Lake status data base & the synthesis in the large spatio-temporal scale


  23. Our objective is to examine the shift in the path of the Kuroshio and the interaction be-tween land and sea during the last glacial maximum ( LGM ) .


  24. The 8 m long profile covers the last 30 000 years including the late stage of Marine Oxygen Isotope Stage 3 , the Last Glacial Maximum , the Termination and the Holocene .


  25. The provenance of the sediment in middle Okinawa Trough during the Last Glacial Maximum is the shelf of the East China Sea . The characteristics of elemental geochemistry ascertain that the sediment was derived from the paleo-Changjiang River .


  26. Since the Last Glacial Maximum , the riverbed of the Yangtze River mouth region has evolved from the shape of the deep incised-valley to the filling of the palaeo-valley and to the delta development because of the great change of the sea level .


  27. It has been demonstrated that the δ ~ ( 18 ) O in the west Pacific significantly decreased since the last glacial maximum together with , however , a few return events such as the cooling events during the Younger Dryas period of 13.7 ~ 12.2 cal .


  28. The outflow lake stage , which is characterized by tills , occurred in the late glacial interval of the Last Glacial Maximum , when the watershed of the main ridge zone of the Himalayas shifted northward to the location of present Tangla Mountain .


  29. However , the scale of glacial advance during MIS 3 / 4 even exceeded that of the Last Glacial Maximum .
