
  • 网络section 337
  1. 就它与TRIPs协议之间的关系而言,我们可以看出,337条款似乎遵循了其要求。

    With respect to the TRIPs Agreement , it appears that Section 337 is consistent with the Agreement 's requirements .

  2. 美国337条款及中国企业对策的研究

    Research of U.S. Section 337 and Countermeasure of Chinese Enterprises

  3. 就337条款与GATT1947之间的关系而言,我们可以看出,即使337条款能够符合GATT第3条国民待遇原则,它也不会符合第20条严格的标准。第三部分强调了实践环节;

    With respect to GATT 1947 , it appears that even if Section 337 is consistent with the Article 3 national treatment provision , it may not meet the stringent standards of Article 20 , as developed through WTO Dispute Settlement Body practice .

  4. 中国企业就337条款在美国国际贸易委员会的应诉策略

    Chinese Enterprises Litigation Strategy of 337 Articles in the USITC

  5. 美国337条款与我国企业对策研究

    " Section 337 " of US Tariff Act and Countermeasure of Chinese Enterprises

  6. 美国《关税法》337条款探析

    On the Clause No. 337 of American Tariff Law

  7. 从337条款条文表述来看,它完全是一项国内产业保护法。

    It is entirely a domestic industry protection law .

  8. 中国企业如何应对美国关税法337条款调查

    Research on How Chinese Enterprises Answer Section 337 of The United States Tariff Law

  9. 美国在1994年通过《乌拉圭回合协定法》修订了337条款。

    Section 337 was amended through Uruguay Round Agreement Act of the United States .

  10. 在不断对外国企业发起调查的同时,337条款在国际上也遭遇不少挑战。

    For the consecutive investigation of foreign enterprises , Section 337 confronts many challenges from the international society .

  11. 同时337条款调查案件中,我国涉案产品涉及面广,品种繁多。

    Furthermore , in the cases of Section 337 investigation , a wide range and products are involved .

  12. 337条款是美国1930年《关税法》337节的通俗称谓。

    Section 337 of the United States Tariff Law of 1930 is one of the mechanisms regulating import trade .

  13. 美国主要动用特别301条款和337条款对中国发起调查,并实施贸易报复。

    The US mainly uses Special 301 clause and Section 337 clause to investigate and implement the trade retaliation .

  14. 实施知识产权战略&我国企业应对美国337条款的有效途径

    Implementing IP Strategy : the Effective Way for Chinese Enterprises to Cope With the Clause No.337 of American Tariff Law

  15. 虽作为对外贸易法体系中的法律规定,337条款却具有知识产权保护救济的功能。

    Although provided in a foreign trade law system , Section 337 has a function of intellectual property right protection .

  16. 美国的知识产权诉讼(337条款)及中国企业如何降低专利侵权风险

    American Intellectual Property Law ( Section 337 ) and How to Lower the Risk of Patent Violation for Chinese Enterprises

  17. 1994年修订以来、337条款在美国的外贸实践中被多次运用,而且运用的趋势日益频繁,这种现象引发了我国学界的关注。

    Since 1994 , Section 337 has been applied frequently in foreign trade practices and has attracted attention of Chinese legal academics .

  18. 通过对上述问题的介绍,笔者顺理成章地揭开现行337条款的规定以及其现行运行状况。第二章:违反337条款的实质要件。

    Upon these introductions , the author naturally conveys the current provisions and basic condition of Section 337.Chapter Two : The substantiality of Section 337 .

  19. 因此有必要对美国337条款的法律内涵进行分析,以期得出有益于我国出口企业的合理建议。

    Therefore it seems necessary to analyze the connotation of the Article 337 so as to conclude reasonable suggestions helpful to China 's export ventures .

  20. 作为贸易保护政策的产物,337条款自制定之初到时至今日,其诸多过于严苛的规定一直饱受争议。

    The product as a trade protection policy , 337 from the beginning to develop now , its many provisions are too harsh has been highly controversial .

  21. 根据上述法律规定,337条款适用的实体要件为:第一,不公平竞争方式和不公平竞争行为,包括侵犯专利权、商标权以及其它权利;

    According to the above-mentioned regulation , the substantiality of Section 337 is : first , unfair methods of competition and unfair acts in the importation of articles ;

  22. 截至2010年底,在美国国际贸易委员会发起的337条款调查中,有135起涉及中国产业。

    By the end of 2010 , in the articles of 337 Section launched by the United States international trade commission , there are 135 cases involving China enterprises .

  23. 对337条款的立法背景主要从经济、社会和法律三方面展开,还原337条款制定的原始状态。

    The legislative background of Section 337 focuses on the perspectives of economic , social and legal background to figure out an original condition of the establishment of Section 337 .

  24. 首先,中国出口企业应该做好预防工作:深入研究美国337条款,提高知识产权意识,达成交叉协议。

    Firstly , Chinese export enterprises should complete the defence work , intensively studying U.S. Section 337 , enhancing the awareness of American intellectual property and reaching a cross-licensing agreement .

  25. 那么,该条款在美国知识产权保护体系中的地位如何,以及美国政府在推动337条款过程中扮演何种角色,作者在第五章当中围绕上述问题展开论述。

    Then , what is the status of Section 337 in the US intellectual property right protection and the role of United States in promoting this section ? The author discusses these questions in chapter five .

  26. 然而这种比较研究不仅能够使我们清晰地认识到二者的主要不同之处,更能够以反倾销调查这种为大家所熟知的救济措施来映衬出337条款调查的相对更强的贸易救济功能。

    However , this comparative study can not only make us get acquainted the essential distinctions between them , but also can highlight the more powerful remedial effect of section 337 investigations against the well-known anti-dumping investigations .

  27. 诞生之后的很长一段时间内,美国337条款并没有被使用过;但在过去的几十年里,美国337调查又复苏了。它主要涉及知识产权,版权,商标,商业机密等等。

    For a long time after the birth , U.S. Sections 337 Investigation was never used , but in the past years , it revived , mainly involving patent , copyright , trademark , trade secret and others .

  28. 第一章讨论337条款和知识产权保护的关系,由此引申出以知识产权保护为借口的贸易保护。

    The first chapter will be discussing the relationship between " Section 337 " and protection of intellectual property rights , which will further introduce the kind of trade protection in the name of protecting intellectual property rights .

  29. 337条款起初制定的目的在于提高美国的关税,但经历次修改后的337条款,逐渐转向对外贸易中知识产权侵权的不公平行为的规范。

    Section 337 was initially formulated in order to raise the tariffs of the United States , but the amended Section 337 , gradually shifted to the regulation of unfair activities of infringement of intellectual property rights in foreign trade .

  30. 本章中作者主要对337条款与GATT/WTO相关规则的一致性进行分析,并就加拿大、欧共体与美国之间针对337条款的国际争端进行介绍和评论。第七章:美国337条款对我国的影响。

    This chapter analyses whether Section 337 has complied with relevant provisions of GATT / WTO , introduces and observes the disputes between Canada , the EU and the US on the Section 337.Chapter Seven : The impact of Section 337 on China .