17 year old

that you let a 17 year old get the better of you ?
This 17 year old girl had dreams of becoming an accountant . Now she collects bread for 18 members of her family .
A 17 year old female case of vulva sclerotic atrophic lichen with congenital poikiloderma is reported .
Mm . Conclusion The pupillary distance , orbital distance and exophthalmometer in 5 to 17 year old children increase with the growth of age .
A 17 year old male patient presented thick adherent greyish brown oily scales on both sides of the face for more than 6 months .
Taking 17 year old Ginkgo biloba as test material , the effects of temperature and precipitation on wood ring width , ring density maximum density and minimum density were studied .
Methods Use spreading caliper and sliding caliper as measurement tools to measure obs obs distance and obs ex distance of 5 to 17 year old children , total 2600 cases .
Methods Steel ruler and prism exophthalmometer were used for the measurement of pupillary distance , orbital distance and exophthalmos degree of 5 to 17 year old children in Kaifeng city . Compared analysis was done according to matched age and sex .
The common pathological type is mesangial proliferation CN , MCD and slight pathological change , HSN is the mostly common nephritis in second nephritis , there is no differences and the higher morbidity is ant 12 to 17 year old .
Results As expected , the intake of dietary calcium in subjects is close to the results set by the of National Nutrition Investigation in 1992 ( from young women at 17 year old ) or the daily reference intake ( DRI ) for adult woman ;
METHODS : A 17 year old male gymnast received the psychological training for 6 months , including psychological counseling , trainings of relaxation , concentrating attention , self confidence , action and imagery , autosuggest , ideation , imagination and adjusting emotion .
It is reported 52 cases of tibia fatigue fracture . All of the patients were recruits and 17 to 20 year old .
Zhou Yan , 17 , incurred second and third - degree burns to 30 percent of her body , particularly around her head , neck and chest , following the alleged attack by 17 - year - old Tao Rukun in the bedroom of her home last September .