
  • 网络Longwan;Dragon Bay
  1. 因此,我们决定去聚龙湾泡露天温泉。

    So we decided to go to Dragon Bay open-air hot spring .

  2. 这是一张龙湾的照片。

    This is a photo of Dragon Bay .

  3. 龙湾区;产业集聚;发展;路径;

    Longwan District ; Concentration of industries ; DeveLopment ; Path ;

  4. 湖北潜江龙湾放鹰台Ⅰ号楚宫基址发掘简报

    Architectural Site of Chu Palace at Eagle-flying Platform in Qianjiang , Hubei

  5. 论证了大龙湾火山口湖为破火山口。

    Finally , it is concluded that the crater lake is a caldera .

  6. 春秋战国时期,龙湾成为越国辖地。

    Spring and Autumn period , Longwan become more jurisdiction in the country .

  7. 咱们就离卧龙湾不远了。

    I know we are nearing Wolong Lake .

  8. 龙湾区积极培育宜居宜商宜创业的投资和发展环境。

    Longwan District should actively foster livable should venture investment and business environment for development .

  9. 龙湾交通中心已被列为全国45个交通主枢纽站场之一。

    Longwan Transportation Center has been listed as45 , one main communication hub station yard .

  10. 在海原断裂带内部发现一个第三纪拉分盆地,命名为老龙湾拉分盆地。

    A Tertiary pull apart basin named Laolongwan basin was found in the Haiyuan fault zone .

  11. 看到这片白桦林,咱们就离卧龙湾不远了。

    At the sight of this white birch grove , I know we are nearing Wolong Lake .

  12. 你倒是帮我找找卧龙湾,卧龙湾,这龙在哪儿呢。

    Please help me find out where the dragon lies in Wolong ( Crouching Dragon ) Lake .

  13. 本文主要研究温州龙湾外向型经济发展模式和战略措施。

    This paper mainly focuses on the developing model and strategy on the outward-oriented economy of district of WetheuLongwan .

  14. 龙湾信息产业开始起步,邮政事业不断发展,通讯网络覆盖全区。

    Longwan information industry started , the continuous development of postal services , communication networks cover the whole area .

  15. 搭乘水上飞机美妙绝伦的下龙湾有近2000个石灰岩小岛,它们散落在越南沿海。

    Stunning Halong Bay features almost 2000 limestone islands jutting out of the sea off the coast of Vietnam .

  16. 为了鼓励我女儿,我和爱人今天带她去中山聚龙湾泡温泉了。

    To encourage my daughter , my wife and I took her to Zhongshan Dragon Bay Hot Spring Resort today .

  17. 记得去领略附近的下龙湾,这也许是世界上最美丽无比的地方。

    Don 't forget to see nearby Ha Long Bay , which may just be the single most beautiful place on earth .

  18. 有人已出高3倍的价钱买龙湾农村合作银行的股份,但也难买到。

    Some people have a high-3 times the price of buying Longwan rural cooperative bank shares , but also difficult to buy .

  19. 当她妈妈回来之后,我立刻带她们去中山聚龙湾温泉度假村去泡温泉了。

    When her mother came back , I took them to bathe hot spring in ZHONGSHAN DRAGON BAY HOT SPRING RESORT at once .

  20. 温州港目前拥有市区老港区、杨府山港区、龙湾港区、七里港区等四大港区。

    At present , it has four main harbors , namely the city 's old docks and the Yangfushan , Longwan and Qili harbors .

  21. 第四天:早餐后游览下龙市,参观越南皇家公园,漫步于下龙湾海滩。

    On the fourth day : breakfast , tour of the Long City , Vietnam visited the Royal Park , stroll in Xialongwan beaches .

  22. 瓯海区北靠瓯江,处于温州市区的东、南、西部,环绕鹿城、龙湾两区。

    Oujiang Ouhai north , in the urban area of Wenzhou , east , south , west , around the Lucheng , Longwan two districts .

  23. 唐宋以来,龙湾作为温州城的东部城郊,经济文化不断发展。

    Since the Tang and Song dynasties , Longwan as the eastern outskirts of the city of Wenzhou , economic and cultural continue to develop .

  24. 观察钉螺孳生面积、活螺平均密度及人畜感染率变化情况,并与对照组(龙湾镇竺场村)比较。

    The snail habitat area , mean density of living snails and prevalence of schistosomiasis in human and cattle were compared with those of the control villages .

  25. 记者:在三亚房地产日益盛行,竞争渐趋激烈的情况下,是什么原因使您想到开发半岛龙湾这个项目的?

    Reporter : Under the condition that real estate increasing day by day Sanya and facing fierce competition , what drives you to develop Peninsula Dragon Bay ?

  26. 通过对东北二龙湾玛珥湖顶部无扰动岩心显微研究,证明此岩心发育有良好的年纹层。

    Detailed investigations were carried out on the upper undisturbed sediments from Erlongwan maar lake , NE China , which are better annually laminated sediments ( varve ) .

  27. 越南下龙湾&该地区被联合国教科文组织列为世界自然遗产,下龙湾由五亿年之久的石灰岩组成,这些岩体从翻滚的海水中凸现出来,十分壮观。

    Halong Bay , Vietnam – A UNESCO World Heritage site , Halong Bay is500 million years'worth of limestone formations , proudly jutting out of the rolling ocean waters .

  28. 牙龙湾、大东海、天涯海角、鹿回头等著名景点,每天都吸引众多的国内外游人。

    Many famous scenic spots such as Tooth Dragon Bay , Great East Sea , End of the Earth and Deer Looking Back , attract thousands of visitors every day .

  29. 凤凰机场和牙龙湾旅游区一期工程建在滨海平原区,不会出现严重流行;

    The Fenghuang Airport and Yalong Bay s first phase of engineering constructions are set at coastal plain area where no vector has been found and no serious epidemic would occur .

  30. 本文以吉林省靖宇县西南部的龙湾火山群为例,进行了火山口地貌图像识别方法探讨。

    In this paper , the Longwan volcanic group which locates in the southwest part of Jingyu County , Jilin Province is taken as an example for extracting volcanic landforms information .