
  1. 震中位于龙头山镇,距昭通县西南20公里。

    The epicenter is near Longtoushan Township , some 20 km southwest of Zhaotong City .

  2. 如今的龙头山镇光明村,无论是山坡上、田间地头,还是走在进村入户路上,到处都可以看到青花椒林。

    Today , the leading town Guangming Village , both the slopes and fields , or walking in the villages and households on the road , and everywhere you can see green pepper forest .

  3. 在建筑工人用临时钢桥取代在地震中倒塌的大桥,从而帮助救灾物资大量进入位于震中的龙头山镇后,救援人员才得以取得更多进展,进入了更多偏远山村。

    Rescuers made more progress after construction workers replaced a collapsed bridge with a temporary steel one , helping supplies pour into the village of Longtoushan , the epicenter of the quake . That allowed rescuers to reach out to more remote hamlets .