
  • 网络The Soprano
  1. 在用《黑道家族》的播放向别人展示了如何制作警匪片之后,HBO为用《权力的游戏》为奇幻系列剧定下了标准。

    Having shown others how to make gangster dramas with " The Sopranos ", HBO is laying down the standard for fantasy with " Game of Thrones " .

  2. 凭藉《黑道家族》(TheSopranos)和《六尺风云》(SixFeetUnder),HBO一度成为现在雄霸各类大奖的有线电视网络的领头羊。

    With ' The Sopranos ' and ' Six Feet Under , ' HBO once led the charge of cable networks that now dominate the top awards categories .

  3. 《黑道家族》引发的制作高质量电视剧的趋势,则比针对HBO母公司的“金融工程”更有生命力、也更加持久。

    The upheaval that The Sopranos caused was more potent and enduring than the financial engineering inflicted on HBO 's parent company .

  4. 在1990s后期,HBO率先开拓了一种智慧的耐心的叙述方法,因模糊的结尾及在道德摇摆的人物而闻名,“黑道家族”式既是一个缩影。

    In the late1990s HBO pioneered an intelligent , patient style of storytelling that gloried in loose ends and morally ambiguous characters , a style " The Sopranos " came to epitomise .

  5. 第一部挑起电视剧争霸赛的剧集是《黑道家族》(TheSopranos),由美国家庭电影频道(HBO)制作,开播于15年前。

    The first series of The Sopranos , the HBO series that started the race to the top in television production , began 15 years ago .

  6. 即使比不上HBO最有名的热播剧&《黑道家族》,但无论编剧还是表演,都非常优秀。《扪心问诊》第二季将在2009年开播。

    Very well acted and written , if not quite to the stellar standards set by The Sopranos , HBO 's most famous show , its second season is set to air sometime in2009 .

  7. 一周前,曾在HBO的热播剧集《黑道家族》(TheSopranos)中扮演黑手党大佬托尼•斯普拉诺的美国演员、艾美奖得主詹姆斯•甘多菲尼在罗马去世,享年51岁。

    It 's been a week since James Gandolfini , the Emmy Award-winning actor who played Tony Soprano on the HBO drama The Sopranos , died in Rome at the age of 51 .

  8. 但自从2007年的《黑道家族》以来,该付费频道的剧作再也没有获奖。

    However , none of the premium channel 's dramas have won since ' The Sopranos ' in 2007 .

  9. 《黑道家族》剧终14年后,该剧的导演和编剧大卫·切斯又为这部有史以来最出色的电视剧献上了前传电影。

    Fourteen years after The Sopranos ended , its creator and writer , David Chase , delivers a prequel to one of the best television series ever made .

  10. 儒道佛与中国传统文化撰写一篇论文,探讨《黑道家族》和它所源自的影视传统间的关系。

    Confucianism , Taoism and Buddhism and Chinese Traditional Culture Write an essay about The Sopranos in relation to the film and TV traditions out of which it comes .

  11. 例如意大利人很反感,当电视上一出现意大利裔美国人时,他们通常都是黑道家族的成员。

    And so people , for instance , object to the fact that when there 's Italian Americans on TV they 're often members of the Sopranos , a mobster family .

  12. 第四名是《黑道家族》中的托尼・瑟普拉诺;第五名是《蝙蝠侠前传2:黑暗骑士》中的“小丑”。

    In fourth place was Tony Soprano from US drama series The Sopranos , followed by comic book villain The Joker , played by late Australian actor Heath Ledger in The Dark Knight .

  13. 新片的故事背景设定在20世纪六七十年代,当时新泽西州纽瓦克市充斥着种族动乱,黑人和意大利裔美国人互相敌视,这部电影能让我们对《黑道家族》中的犯罪源头有所了解。

    Set in the 1960s and 70s , against the backdrop of racial unrest and riots in Newark , New Jersey , with antagonism between black people and Italian Americans , the film could give us a clue about where all that Sopranos crime came from .

  14. 甘多菲尼在《黑道家族》中成功刻画了一个非常矛盾但又善于自省的黑手党大佬形象。这部剧不仅开辟了美剧的一个黄金时代,获得了普遍的赞誉,也反映出正在日渐老去的美国“婴儿潮”一代焦虑的内心。

    Gandolfini 's portrayal of a deeply conflicted but introspective mob boss was monumental in several ways : It not only launched a golden age for scripted television dramas , garnering universal praise , but it also tapped into the anxious psyche of the aging American baby boomer .