
The segments of both strawberry mottle virus ( SMoV ) and strawberry mild yellow edge virus ( SMYEV ) were amplified by RT-PCR from the virus dsRNA recycled from gel or treated with DNase ⅰ / RNase A.
Studies on Virus-elimination Technique of Strawberry Mild Yellow Edge Virus
Study on the Purification Techniques for Strawberry Pseudo - Mild Yellow Edge Virus
Red and yellow trimmed skirts whirled past her head like silk halos .
Studies on the Aphid Transmission , Purification and Morphology of Strawberry Mild Yellow Edge Virus
Studies on the Preparations of Antiserum and Serological Detection Techniques for Strawberry Pseudo Mild Yellow Edge Virus
He stopped briefly to pose for photographers and sign autographs at St Pancras station in a sleeveless leather jacket , cropped trousers and yellow - rimmed sunglasses .
Each area of Red Edge , Blue Edge and Yellow Edge accumulated the information of more channels , so they had larger application potential capacity to estimate total nitrogen content in leaf .
Hassan 's face brightened . " Good , " he said . He lifted our kite , red with yellow borders , and , just beneath where the central and cross spars met , marked with Saifo 's unmistakable signature .
The holocene eroded by sea , the intrusion of the yellow sea shore is obviously . Influence and impact the plain formed after laid a basic environmental cultural development , therefore the fisheries development in east of peninsula is much rapider than southernmost .
Conclusion : En bloc resection of the superior facet process and ossified ligamentum flavum of thoracic spine via pedicle-flavum octagonal tunnel is safe and reliable .
Objective : To investigate the efficacy of en bloc resection of the superior facet process and ossified ligamentum flavum of thoracic spine via pedicel-flavum tunnel ( PFT ) .