
  • Huang Jianxin;【人名】Jianxin Huang
  1. 第二章,黄建新与城市电影。

    Chapter 2 , Huang jianxin and city movie .

  2. 黄建新电影叙事的美学特征

    On Aesthetic Characteristics of Huang Jianxin 's Movies Narration

  3. 导演黄建新也对这个剧本作了改进。

    Director Huang Jianxin also revised the scrip .

  4. 论黄建新的电影创作

    On Huang Jian Xin 's Film Production

  5. 我们完全被困在那里,电影的制作人黄建新补充道。

    We were just trapped there , Huang Jianxin , the movie 's producer , added .

  6. 黄建新导演是第五代导演中旗帜鲜明的个例。

    Huang Jianxin 's motion pictures are unique ones among the " Fifth Generation Directors " films .

  7. 黄建新的电影是艺术理想阐释和关注社会现实结合较好的典型,黄建新是我们这个时代电影现实与电影理想相互关系的一种表征。

    The movies of Huang Jianxin is a model that illuminating art idea conjoins concerning social reality .

  8. 老牌导演黄建新表示,《建党伟业》是一个关于年青人的电影,是为年轻人而拍的电影。

    Veteran director Huang Jianxin expressed " The Founding of A Party " is a film about young people , made for young people .

  9. 监制人黄建新解释称,由于影片中的各位革命领袖当时平均年龄在29岁左右,所以需要年龄较为接近的演员来饰演这些角色。

    Executive producer Huang Jianxin explains that the then-young revolutionary leaders , with an average age of 29 , require a similar-aged cast to play them .

  10. 第一章以黄建新电影叙事方式为对象,分别从叙事空间,叙事内容,叙事角度三个方面论述,细节分析与文化分析相结合。

    The first chapter taking the style as the aim , makes interpretation on from the level of descriptive space , descriptive context and descriptive aspect combining the detail analysis and human analysis .

  11. 在未来,这是中国电影业的一大隐患,黄建新说,他意示中国市场和美国完全不同,虽然中国票房总收入也许会在未来8年或10年超过美国。

    It is a hidden worry for the Chinese movie industry in the future , Huang said , indicating that the Chinese market is very different from the United States , though Chinese box office revenues may surpass US numbers in eight or ten years .

  12. 黄建新是第五代导演中的一个个例,他独特的导演风格和城市影像世界,不仅奠定了他在第五代导演中的重要位置,而且对中国城市电影的当下发展有着深刻的意义。

    Huang jianxin is an example of directors in the fifth generation . His unique style and city image world not only set up an important position among directors of fifth generation for him , but also got a deep meaning to the development of Chinese city movie .