
  • 网络film narratology
  1. 电影叙事学同一般叙事学一样,有着浓郁的结构主义和符号学背景,所以,叙事学理论的发展势必会影响到电影叙事学的发展、建构。

    The evolution of the narratology theory must throw its influences on the evolution and construction of the film narratology theory , as the general narratology does , film narratology observes a lot from structuralism and semeiology .

  2. 而在电影叙事学的研究领域里,空间问题也是决定性的。

    And in the research realm of movies narrative , the problem of space is also decisive .

  3. 而在电影叙事学中叙事空间和空间叙事各自的侧重点各不相同。

    The narrative in the film " Narrative Space " and " narrative space " their focus varies .

  4. 电影叙事学的理论框架内,对画外音的功能作了比较全面深入的分析。

    Analyze the function of voice over comprehensive and deeply , in the framework of the film narrative .

  5. 试图总结出张艺谋在叙事方面的优长与缺失,并希冀自己的工作会为电影叙事学的分析和研究提供一个生动的案例。

    My work is trying to get a conclusion of the narrative of Zhang Yi-Mou 's creation in the field of film in order to provide a vivid case of the narration analysis .

  6. 从电影叙事学的角度研究画外音,本文立足从叙事时态、叙事人称以及叙事角度等方向展开,但同时也会结合画外音的某些特性作综合的考虑。

    Researching voice over from the film narrative theory , the thesis carry on the ways of narrative tense , narrator and narrative perspective and so on , at the same time , combines them on some characteristics of voice over .

  7. 通常叙事学多用于文学叙事学与电影叙事学领域,但视觉艺术和形象表现的叙事学同样属于叙事学的范畴,本文就从叙事学的角度对动画的叙事性进行研究和分析。

    More often used for Narrative Narrative Literature in the field of film narrative , but the performance of visual art and images belong to the same narrative narrative context , this article from the narrative point of view of narrative animation research and analysis .

  8. 异曲同工:小说《如此运动生涯》与同名改编电影的叙事学比较分析

    Different Media with Similar Contents : A Comparative Narrative Study of the Novel This Sporting Life and the Adapted Film

  9. 笔者阅读大量相关文献著作,在对电影结构主义叙事学初步了解的基础上研究文本的叙事结构中所蕴含的文化寓意和创作意图,探讨特定的叙事结构如何为表现家族寓言服务。

    The author read a lot relating literature writings and then understood the movie structuralism narration and culture moral and creative intends . Talk about how special narration structure serves the exhibition of family fable .

  10. 其次,论文简述了小说及电影作为经典叙事学主要研究对象的特点,并将其与时尚杂志进行比对分析,找出不同媒介之间存在的叙事差异,为时尚杂志叙事研究提供值得借鉴之道。

    Secondly , the thesis briefed narrative characteristics of novels and movies which are considered as typical research subjects of classical narratology . Meanwhile , comparing movies and novels with fashion magazine , search for narrative differences among the above media in order to supply available models to fashion magazine .

  11. 电影的叙事空间和空间叙事作为电影叙事学的重要内容之一,研究它不仅具有理论价值,而且具有实践的意义。

    The narrative space is very important in a film .

  12. 以新世纪初少数民族电影整体作为研究对象,并综合电影叙事学、电影符号学以及文化研究等多种理论,对其进行多角度多层次的观照,是本研究的创新意义所在。

    Minority Film to the new century as a whole study , and comprehensive film narrative , film semiotics and cultural studies and other theories , its multi-angle multi-level research , innovation is the significance of this study .