
  • 网络huangbizhuang reservoir
  1. 黄壁庄水库副坝从落在散粒体地基上,渗漏地层存在埋藏深、厚度大、湖漏强的特徵。

    The secondary dam of Huangbizhuang Reservoir locates on a granular soil foundation , for which the stratum has the features of deep seepage depth , thick seepage layer and great infiltration .

  2. 黄壁庄水库主坝与灵正渠首连接桥高架施工支护的分析与研究

    Construction Timbering of Connecting Viaduct Between the Reservoir Main Dam the Trench Head

  3. 本文分析了黄壁庄水库库区地震加频、坝基渗漏严重及防洪标准偏低等三大隐患,以期引起有关部门及领导同志的足够重视。

    The earthquake activity in the reservoir area , dam foundation leakage and problem of flood control were discussed in this paper .

  4. 黄壁庄水库、岗南水库是位于滹沱河上的两座大型水库,担负着为河北省省会石家庄城市用水、西柏坡电厂用水和有关灌区的农业用水任务。

    Located on the Hutuo River , Huangbizhuang and Gangnan reservoirs provide water for the provincial capital-Shijiazhuang and Xibaipo electric power plant and agricultural irrigation .

  5. 岗南水库和黄壁庄水库为串联水库,如何从全流域整体考虑,提高流域水资源的利用率和防洪能力是迫在眉睫需要解决的问题。

    The two reservoirs are related . How to improve the utilization of water resources and flood control capacity is imminent to be resolved for the whole basin .

  6. 所有计算分析表明,黄壁庄水库主坝的安全是可以得到保证的,为坝体的安全鉴定提供了理论依据。

    The dynamic response is very weak . The whole calculation and analysis can prove the safety of the major dam , and these provide the theoretical foundations for the Dam 's Safety Appraisal Work .

  7. 黄壁庄水库副坝防渗心墙加固工程所需高性能混凝土,要求和易性好、早期强度低、后期强度高、抗渗性能好、低弹模和高抗拉强度。

    The high performance concrete for core wall of earth dam must be good workability , low early strength , high final strength , high seepage resistance , low elasticity modulus and high tensile strength .

  8. 实践表明,黄壁庄水库副坝防渗墙混凝土的真实质量符合设计要求。分析结果,可供同类工程设计与施工参考。

    It has been proved by practice , that the real quality of the seepage cutting wall concrete of The Seconda-ry Dams in The Reservoir is qualified to the design demand , and its results can be used by other projects for reference .

  9. 滹沱河出山口修建黄壁庄和岗南水库后,滹沱河成为间歇性过水的泄洪通道。

    The Hutuohe River has been a flood discharge alleyway after the build of the Huangbizhuang and Gangnan reservoirs in the exit of Taihangshan .

  10. 通过黄壁庄和岗南水库两典型区分析,湿地变化的生态环境效应表现为湿地水资源短缺、水体污染和水环境生态恶化等。

    Based on the analysis of Huangbizhuang Reservoir and Gangnan Reservoir , the paper indicated the ecological effects of wetland are the shortage , pollution and degeneration of water body .