
huáng niú
  • cattle;ox;ticket monger;one who break one's promise
黄牛 [huáng niú]
  • [ox;cattle] 牛的一种( Bos taurus domestica ),角短,皮毛黄褐色或黑色,也有杂色的,毛短。用来耕地或拉车,肉供食用,皮可以制革

  • (1) [ticket monger]∶票贩子,以黑市价格倒卖证券、外汇、车票、船票、影剧票的人

  • (2) [one who break one's promise]∶食言、失信的人

  • 老宋临时黄牛了

黄牛[huáng niú]
  1. 黄牛与兔子约定一起参加竞赛。

    The ox and the rabbit agreed to take part in the event together .

  2. 4中国黄牛前脚掌部背侧血管来自腕背动脉网、掌心深内侧和外侧动脉、近穿支和远穿支;

    The metacarpal dorsal artery of the cranial feet of the chinese ox is dorsal carpal rete .

  3. 照例有大群的拉客黄牛在寻觅猎物,他们争相过来抢我的生意

    Spotting prey , the customary crowd of hustlers and touts swarmed around , jostling for my business .

  4. 苹果取消了香港和澳门地区一直以来实行的免费退货政策,此举显示了苹果公司打击黄牛靠着新发布的机型谋取暴利的决心。

    Apple has scrapped1 its longstanding free-of-charge return policy in Hong Kong and Macao , in a sign of the tech giant 's determination to deter2 scalpers from making a quick buck3 on its newly launched handsets .

  5. 海南黄牛和徐闻黄牛线粒体DNA的多态性及其品种分化关系

    Mitochondrial DNA polymorphism in Xuwen yellow cattle and Hainan yellow cattle

  6. 中国山羊、黄牛线粒体DNA遗传多样性与起源进化

    The Origin and Evolution of Chinese Goat and Cattle Based on mtDNA Genetic Diversity

  7. 皖北黄牛随机扩增多态DNA研究

    Study on the Randomly Amplified Polymorphic DNA of Yellow Cattle in Northern Anhui Province

  8. 黄牛皱胃积食前后瘤胃内容物pH值与纤毛虫数量变化的探讨

    Numeric Change of Ciliate and pH Value of Rumen Content before and after Abomasum Accumulation

  9. 安×黄F1代牛与当地黄牛生长性能的比较

    Comparison of Growth Performance between Angus × Yellow Crossbred F_1 and Local Yellow Cattle

  10. 黄牛胚胎可用率高于奶牛(p<0.01);

    Available embryo rate of yellow cattle and heifers were higher than that of dairy cattle and multipara cows respectively ( p < 0.01 );

  11. 徐闻黄牛与海南黄牛的RAPD分析

    RAPD analysis on Xuwen yellow cattles and Hainan yellow cattles

  12. 高温作业工人维生素B1的营养情况鲁西黄牛引入到祁阳高温环境下的生理适应观察

    STUDIES ON THE NUTRITIONAL STATUS OF THIAMINE OF MEN WORKING IN HIGH TEMPERATURE ENVIROMENT Physiological Adaptation of Luxi Yellow Cattle under Higher Temperature Enviroment in Qixian

  13. 半套式RT-PCR法检测腹泻延边黄牛血液伤寒沙门氏菌试验

    Diagnosis of Salmonella typhi in Blood of Which Caused Yanbian Cattle Contract Diarrhoea by Semi-Nested RT-PCR

  14. 本文用RAPD方法以荷斯坦牛作对照分析了徐闻黄牛与海南黄牛的关系。

    Relationship between Xuwen and Hainan yellow cattle was studied with RAPD technology using Holstein .

  15. 用黄牛IgG,水牛IgG和山羊IgG联合免疫兔,获得了高效价兔抗黄牛、水牛和山羊(简称兔抗牛羊)IgG抗血清。

    High titre antiserum was raised using IgG of cattle , buffalo and goat against rabbit .

  16. 鲁西黄牛耳组织cDNA文库的构建及Tβ4基因的克隆与表达研究

    Construction of cDNA Library from Ear Tissue of Luxi Yellow Cattle and T β 4 Gene Cloning and Expression

  17. 本试验以两种不同的同期发情方法,利用黄牛作为胚胎移植受体,移植冷冻进口奶牛IVF胚胎.试验1:一次PG法。

    Two different estrus synchronization methods were used in yellow cow synchronization .

  18. 黄牛若干毛色特征遗传方式的RB频率鉴别

    Discrimination of Genetic Form on Several Coating hair Color Characters in Chinese Cattle by RB Frequences

  19. 结果表明,植黄牛胆汁pH值降低,胆酸含量下降,牛黄发生器内胆汁粘度低于胆囊内胆汁粘度。

    The results indicated that both biliary pH value and viscosity of the experimental cattle decreased , the biliary viscosity in the CBG decreased more than that in the gallbladder .

  20. 结果发现,分别克隆得到的水牛、黄牛LBP基因序列。二者同源性为98%。

    The results showed that the homology between the buffalo and bovine LBP mRNA ORF sequences was98 % .

  21. 本文采用区带密度梯度离心,国内首次分离得到黄牛纯化的高密度脂蛋白(HDL)。

    The bovine high density lipoprotein ( HDL ) was first isolated and purified in our country with zonal gradient ultracentrifugation .

  22. G带研究支持前文认为四川黄牛分类应属Bosindicus的研究结果。

    This research supports the research conclusion of the preceding thesis that Sichuan Oxen should be classified into Bos indicus .

  23. 我国黄牛属(Bos)五个种的染色体比较研究

    Comparative Studies on the Chromosomes of Five Species of Catties of the Genus Bos in China

  24. 延边黄牛GHR基因第8外显子一个新多态位点的发现

    Discovery on a New Polymorphic Site of GHR Gene Exon 8 in Yanbian Cattle

  25. 应用醋酸纤维薄膜和垂直板聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳技术对四川平武黄牛地方牛种的血红蛋白(Hb)和血清运铁蛋白(Tf)座位多态性进行了分析。

    Hematoglobin protein and serum transferin loci polymorphisms of yellow cattle in Pingwu county were analyzed with cellulose acetate film electrophoresis and vertical polyacrylamide gel elec-trophoresis .

  26. 与此同时,上海的“黄牛”为IMAX版电影票喊出了600元的高价。

    Meanwhile , illegal tickets traders asked as much as600 yuan for the IMAX version in Shanghai .

  27. 黄牛Ag-NOR染色体联合的类型和频率

    Type and Frequency of Ag-NORs Combination of Cattle ( Bos taurus ) Breeds in China

  28. 抑制素pCIS基因免疫对黄牛卵泡发育和生殖激素的影响

    Effect of Inhibin pCIS Gene Immunization on Follicles and Reproductive Hormones of Scalper

  29. 利用GnRH、PGF(2α)和PRID进行黄牛程序化人工授精

    Program Artificial Insemination of GnRH 、 PGF_ ( 2 α) and PRID in Yellow Cattles

  30. 黄牛孪生处理前后发情周期的外周血中GnRH水平

    The detection of GnRH in peripheral blood sera of beef cows during oestrous cycle before and after treatments with PMSG and its antibodies and cloprostenol