
  • 网络mcmillan;Macmillan;Nate Mcmillan;Palgrave Macmillan;McMillian
  1. 在庭外和解中,英国最著名的图书出版商之一麦克米兰(Macmillan)被勒令支付1800万美元赔偿,因为他们的一名代理商为了签订非洲的一个合同而行贿。

    One of Britain 's leading book publishers , Macmillan , has been ordered to pay about $ 18m in a court settlement over allegations that one of its agents offered bribes for a contract in Africa .

  2. 汉娜?艾博和厄尼?麦克米兰曾在大厅里交换卡片。

    Hannah Abbott and Ernie Macmillan were swapping cards in the Great Hall ( GF19 ) .

  3. 通过发型师克里斯o麦克米兰的推荐,安妮斯顿试用了LivingProof的洗发水三个月。

    With her longtime hairstylist Chris McMillan , Aniston tested the Living Proof shampoo for three months .

  4. 斯坦福大学(Stanford)已故经济学家约翰o麦克米兰(JohnMcMillan)认为,市场只有在设计完备的情况下才能运转良好。

    the late John McMillan , an economist at Stanford , argued that markets will only work well if they are well designed .

  5. 这是一件令人惋惜的事;斯坦福大学(Stanford)已故经济学家约翰o麦克米兰(JohnMcMillan)认为,市场只有在设计完备的情况下才能运转良好。

    That is a shame ; the late John McMillan , an economist at Stanford , argued that markets will only work well if they are well designed .

  6. 而且我敢打赌,来自帝国之城和东方之珠的人们都会赞同前纽约州州长候选人麦克米兰(JimmyMcMillan)的说法,房租太他妈高了。

    I ㄙ d also bet that folks from both the Empire City ∫ and the Pearl of the Orient ∫ would tend to agree with one man : former New York gubernatorial candidate Jimmy the rent is too damn high ∫ McMillan .

  7. 曾担任杰克逊律师的麦克米兰(L.LondellMcMillan)表示自己现在代表杰克逊的父母,周一他向法庭提交文件称,他认为杰克逊没有立下有效遗嘱。

    L. Londell McMillan , a sometime lawyer for Mr. Jackson who said he now represents the singer 's parents , made a court filing Monday saying he didn 't believe Michael Jackson had a valid will .

  8. 这是你和克里斯·麦克米兰的照片

    And this picture with you and Chris McMillan .

  9. 由于他的慷慨捐赠,博物馆在2009年以他的姓氏将一个画廊命名为麦克米兰。

    Because of his generosity , the museum named a gallery after him in2009 .

  10. 苹果和英国出版商麦克米兰以及企鹅已经决定应诉。

    Apple and British publishers McMillan and Penguin have decided to go to court .

  11. 麦克米兰刚刚从印度到达,那里的疾病爆发在几个城镇。

    McMillan had just arrived from India , where the disease had broken out in several towns .

  12. 当他知道了这个消息时,麦克米兰说:“现在我们有了两位全明星球员了。”

    When he got to the end of the list , McMillan said ," We 've got two All-Stars here . "

  13. 全英国将有超过百万人参与12万次咖啡清晨活动,麦克米兰希望能通过本次活动募款1500万英镑。

    Macmillan hope to raise over 15m when over one million people take part in 120,000 coffee mornings across the UK .

  14. 全英国将有超过百万人参与12万次“咖啡清晨”活动,麦克米兰希望能通过本次活动募款1500万英镑。

    Macmillan hope to raise over £ 15m when over one million people take part in 120000 coffee mornings across the UK .

  15. 从麦克米兰中的语用信息看语料库数据在词典编撰中的显性应用拉米罗·麦克唐纳-布兰科

    The Explicit Presentation of Corpus Data in Dictionary Compilation in the Light of the Pragmatic Information in MacMillan Dictionary MacDONALD-BLANCO , Ramiro

  16. 就这样,大概一年多以前,安妮斯顿成了公司的老板之一,并且与麦克米兰一起启动了完美发型日的广告活动。贝劳德表示,自从安妮斯顿加盟后,公司的业务已经翻了一番。

    She became a co-owner of the company a little over a year ago and launched the Perfect Hair Day campaign with McMillan .

  17. 麦克米兰癌症援助会肯定乐意这样做,他们甚至还赶在下周募资活动之前就向外界展示了三种以咖啡豆为主要原料的香水品种。

    Macmillan Cancer Support certainly hopes so after they unveiled three fragrances based on the beans ahead of a fund-raising event next week .

  18. 棕榈泉美术博物馆指出,多年来,麦克米兰不仅提供了财务支持,还捐献了大量的艺术作品。

    The Palm Springs Art Museum noted that MacMillan has provided both financial support and a number of works of art to the museum over the years .

  19. (步行者主教练)麦克米兰这样评价汤普森60分的表现:“我们需要更多的帮助,但我们并没有(获得帮助),他(一人)把我们打爆了。”

    McMillan on Klay Thompson 's 60-point performance : " We needed to give more help , and we didn 't , and he lit us up tonight . "

  20. 麦克米兰随后发布声明,承认2002年那份遗嘱的存在,但没有立即回应记者询问他是否有意质疑这份遗嘱的邮件。

    Mr. McMillan issued a subsequent statement acknowledging the existence of the 2002 will , but didn 't respond immediately to emails Wednesday asking if he intends to contest it .

  21. 一些国会议员与他同行,以及一个北爱尔兰统一,但最终,没有保守党,尽管麦克米兰曾短暂成为了莫斯利圈的一部分。

    A few MPs went with him , along with one Ulster Unionist , but in the end , no Conservatives , though Macmillan had briefly been part of the Mosley circle .

  22. 罗恩气愤地说道,他朝赫敏挥舞着手里的叉子,结果叉子上的一小片香肠飞了出去,砸在厄尼·麦克米兰的脑袋上,我们全家都背叛了自己的血统!

    Said Ron indignantly , a bit of sausage flying off the fork he was now brandishing at Hermione and hitting Ernie Macmillan on the head . My whole family are blood traitors !

  23. 麦克米兰外事负责人凯特西摩说:我们都知道很多人都喜欢咖啡味的香味,所以就想,为什么不能制作咖啡味香水和须后水呢?

    Macmillans head of external affair , Kate Seymour , said : ' We know people love the smell of coffee so we thought , why not make a coffee-scented perfume and aftershave ?

  24. 除了凯西,以下几名教练也得到了选票:布拉特-布朗、迈克-德安东尼、奈特-麦克米兰、格雷格-波波维奇、道格-里弗斯、奎恩-施奈德以及特里-斯托茨。

    In addition to Casey , the following Coaches also received votes : Brett Brown , Mike D'Antoni , Nate McMillan , Gregg Popovich , Doc Rivers , Quin Snyder and Terry Stotts .

  25. 根据高级学者词典麦克米兰英语的介绍,暗喻就是指一个单词或词组的意思是一个事物被用来描述其他与其质量相似的另一事物。

    According to the Macmillan English for Advanced Learners Dictionary , a metaphor is a word or phrase that means one thing and is used to describe something else to emphasise their similar qualities .

  26. 今年年初,世界上最大的出版商之一——美国麦克米兰出版公司,宣布其对登上图书馆的虚拟书架毫无兴趣。

    At the start of the year , one of the biggest publishers in the world , McMillan Publishing US , declared it had no interest in being on libraries " 17 ) virtual shelves .

  27. 麦克米兰外事负责人凯特·西摩说:“我们都知道很多人都喜欢咖啡味的香味,所以就想,为什么不能制作咖啡味香水和须后水呢?”

    Macmillan 's head of external affair , Kate Seymour , said : ' We know people love the smell of coffee so we thought , why not make a coffee-scented perfume and aftershave ? "

  28. 足有三十八年之后,麦克米兰委托我修订这本书,以应大学市场和一般贸易,这本书就萦绕着我的一生。

    Some thirty-eight years later , the book bobbed up again in my life when Macmillan commissioned me to revise it for the college market and the general trade . Meantime , Professor Strunk had died .

  29. 这项研究是由位于加州的卫生科学西部大学兽医学院前任临床医学教授、兽医富兰克林·麦克米兰指导研究的,相关文章发表于最新一期的《宠物行为杂志》上。

    The claims are made in research contained in the latest edition of the Journal of Veterinary Behavior by Dr Franklin McMillan , a vet and former clinical professor of medicine at the Western University of Health Sciences College of Veterinary Medicine , in California .