
  • 网络salem;Siren
  1. 全书上半部分集中描写了倔强的族长以及他死后继承家族产业的儿子塞伦(salem)的故事。

    The first half of the story is dominated by the tough patriarch , and Salem , the son who takes over the family enterprises after his death .

  2. 塞伦还给我看了一包用锡纸整齐包裹的东西,里面包着一些粉末的东西,这就是他们所说的褐糖。

    Salem has just shown me a neatly wrapped packet of tinfoil which contains the powder which they call brown sugar .

  3. 六个月大的Rico和Kico在他们出生的塞伦盖蒂公园里喝瓶奶。

    Rico and Kico , two six-week old tiger cubs , drink from bottles at the Serengeti-Park zoo , where they were both born .

  4. 六个月大的小虎崽,在德国北部霍登哈根市的塞伦盖蒂公园被自己的“父亲”HameedHamza抱着。

    A six-week-old white tiger cub is held by its surrogate'father'Hameed Hamza at the Serengeti-Park zoo in Hodenhagen , northern Germany .

  5. 到坦桑尼亚东北部、靠近肯尼亚的塞伦盖蒂平原观光。

    Visit africa 's Serengeti Plain in Northeast tanzania , near kenya .

  6. 打造美国版的非洲塞伦盖蒂大平原需要考虑很多事情。

    Recreating America 's version of Africa 's Serengeti means thinking big .

  7. 这只雄狮被拍于坦桑尼亚塞伦盖蒂国家公园的月光之下。

    This lion was photographed under moonlight , at Serengeti National Park , Tanzania .

  8. 其他受影响动物的例子包括马利的大象、(坦尚尼亚西北部)塞伦盖蒂平原的狮子,和马拉维的鳄鱼。

    Other examples of affected animals included elephants in Mali , lions in the Serengeti and crocodiles in Malawi .

  9. 想像你置身飘浮空中的旅馆,在塞伦遘旭禤a公园上空滑翔,俯瞰成群斑马、大象;

    PARIS Imagine gliding in a floating hotel over the Serengeti , gazing down at herds of zebra or elephants ;

  10. 非洲有8个荒野地区,包括刚果的茂密森林和塞伦盖提的草原。

    Africa has eight wilderness areas , including the thick forests of the Congo and the grasslands of the Serengeti .

  11. 在坦桑尼亚的塞伦吉地国家公园里,一只金色的狮子和它的孩子正沐浴在热带大草原温暖的阳光中。

    A golden lioness and her cub bask in the warmth of a savanna sun in Tanzania 's Serengeti National Park .

  12. 塞伦学院为在国家的女人是在美国和最旧的教育机构的第13所最旧的学院。

    Salem college is the thirteenth oldest college in the United States and the oldest educational institution for women in the nation .

  13. 塞伦盖蒂的地貌,最初是由火山活动造成的,后来在风吹日晒和雨淋的协同作用下雕刻成形。

    Its landscape , originally formed by volcanic activity , has been sculptured by the concerted action of wind , rain and sun .

  14. 把菲尔丢给汽车销售员就好比将一只涂满烧烤酱的小山羊丢到塞伦盖蒂平原上。

    Leaving Phil with a car salesman is like covering a baby goat in barbecue sauce and dropping it in the middle of the Serengeti .

  15. 你是否曾经想象过居住在辽阔的塞伦盖蒂草原上或是领略一夜美丽的撒哈拉沙漠的风光?

    HAVE you ever wondered what it 's like to live on the wide Serengeti Plains or experience the beauty of a night in the Sahara Desert ?

  16. 曾在坦桑尼亚的塞伦盖蒂国家公园研究狮子的瓦斯特说,有待我们研究的一个重要问题是,为什么只有雄狮才有鬃毛。

    One big question about lions is why the males even have a mane , said West , who studied lions in Tanzania 's Serengeti National Park .

  17. 相反,在肯尼亚的马赛马拉,坦桑尼亚的塞伦盖蒂和非洲其他许多地区,九月是旱季。

    On the contrary , September is the height of dry season in Kenya 's Masai Mara , Tanzania 's Serengeti and many other parts of Africa .

  18. 坦桑尼亚政府打算在塞伦盖蒂国家公园的北部建造一条商用道路,切断200万角马和斑马的迁徙路线。

    Tanzania 's government plans to build a commercial road in the north of Serengeti National Park , cutting through the migratory route of2 million wildebeest and zebra .

  19. 从罗斯维尔搬到塞伦十分必要,因为之前的学校被组织抗议的基督教徒纵火并在女巫驾驶的车胎上撒上圣水。

    The move from Roseville to Salem became necessary because the school came under fire from Christians who organized protests and sprinkled holy water on the wheels of the cars driven by the witches .

  20. 曾几何时,服装设计师们到拉贾斯坦邦、塞伦盖蒂平原或俄罗斯大草原之类地方旅行,以图寻找灵感,并从买手或偶尔从客户那里求得反馈。

    There was a time when a fashion designer 's inspiration came from a journey to Rajasthan , the Serengeti or perhaps the Russian steppes , along with feedback from buyers and the occasional client .

  21. 坦桑尼亚最为著名的是乞力马扎罗山的雪顶群峰与野生动物云集的塞伦盖帝平原,但这个国家真正的脉动却在全国第一大城市达累斯萨拉姆。

    Tanzania may be best known for the snow-capped peaks of Mount Kilimanjaro and the game-packed plains of the Serengeti , but the real pulse of the country is found in its largest city , Dar es Salaam .

  22. 校舍起初坐落于芝加哥的罗斯维尔,两年后搬到了马萨诸塞州的塞伦,而也是在这里,1692到1693年期间,200人曾被指控犯有巫术罪并面临审判执行。

    The school building was initially located in Roseville , Chicago , where it stayed for two years before moving to Salem , Massachusetts , the same town where about 200 people accused of witchcraft faced trials and execution between 1692 and 1693 .