
  • 网络Ruprecht;Rupprecht;Bill Ruprecht;William Ruprecht;Ashley Ruprecht
  1. 每一代人都会设定自己的规则,鲁普雷希特表示。

    Every generation sets its own rules , says Mr Ruprecht .

  2. 在营销部门过了一段苦日子后,鲁普雷希特开始在古董车部门工作。

    After a stint in the marketing department , Mr Ruprecht worked in the vintage car division .

  3. 鲁普雷希特不同意这种看法:有人认为新富群体都是在买同样的东西,我认为这不是真的。

    Mr Ruprecht disagrees : I don 't think it 's true that the new wealthy are all buying the same things .

  4. 在2000年,也许正是同样想摆脱什么的渴望将鲁普雷希特推上了公司的最高宝座。

    It may have been the same desire to move away from something that propelled Mr Ruprecht into the top job in 2000 .

  5. 去年,鲁普雷希特获得了880万美元的薪水和股权奖励,因为该公司赶上了艺术品市场热潮的顶峰。

    Last year , Mr Ruprecht was paid $ 8.8m in salary and stock bonus as the company rode the crest of the art market boom .