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  1. 他们往往鱼钓不到,却钓上来些旧轮胎和垃圾。

    Instead of catching fish , they catch old tires and trash .

  2. 布罗迪开始转动手摇柄以收线将鱼钓起。

    Brody began to turn the crank to reel in the fish .

  3. 菲尔用代用的鱼杆钓到了两条鱼。

    Phil used a makeshift fishing pole and caught two fish .

  4. 他们没钓到鱼,钓着的却是破皮靴或废物。我则更不走运。

    Instead of catching fish , they catch old boots and rubbish . I am ever less lucky .

  5. 鱼被钓出水面,在线的另一端,它闪着水光,挣扎着。他用手紧紧抓住鱼,从鱼嘴里摘下钩子。

    The fish came out of the water , flashing and struggling on the end of the line , and he grasped it firmly in his hand to take the hook from its mouth .

  6. 区别在于,从富尔顿鱼市买来的鱼还是你钓的。

    The difference is-fulton fish market fish and fish you catch .

  7. 裁判员必须亲自看见鱼被铁板钓上方为有效。

    Marshall has to witness the fish which is JIG up .

  8. 那么,这鱼是你钓到的了?我问。

    ' Oh , did you catch it then ? 'I asked .

  9. 他猛地一拉把鱼从水中钓起。

    He jerked the fish out of the water .

  10. 鱼咬住了钓铒。

    A fish snapped at the bait .

  11. 如果我们继续污染河流的话,河里就也没有鱼供我们钓了。

    If we go on polluting the rivers , there will be no fish left in them for fishing .

  12. 渔夫钓了一整天的鱼,只钓到一只小小的红色鲑鱼。

    After a long day of fishing , all the fisherman had caught was one small , red salmon .

  13. 他去钓了鱼,并把钓来的鱼钉在牛棚的墙上晒干。

    He fished and nailed up his catch to dry on the wall of the byre .

  14. 杰母钓的鱼最大,亮亮钓到很多。

    I am so glad that Liangliang likes to fish that much .

  15. “因为我想要让我老婆相信这些鱼都是我钓到的。”

    " Because I want to tell my wife that I caught them . "

  16. 钓丝适中,鱼饵味香,中鱼会来上钓;

    When the line is thicker and bait is fragrant , medium sized fish will bite .

  17. 鱼儿可真多,懒懒猫和小猪乐乐钓了好多的鱼。它们把钓上来的鱼放进自己的竹篓里。

    There were so many fish ! Lazy Cat and Piggy both caught a lot of fish and they put the fish into their own bamboo crates .

  18. 我把他的船拖到码头,举起那条大而老的鲈鱼在码头上走着。“嘿,这些鱼都是你钓到的吗?”“不是,是它们自愿上钩的。”这样调侃的说话也是一种习惯。

    We pulled his boat into the dock , I lifted up this big old bass and this idiot on the dock goes , " Hey , you all catch all those fish ? " " No. Talked them into giving up . " Here 's your sign .

  19. 它需要锐利的眼睛和敏捷的双手,察觉鱼浮的下沉后收线将鱼钓起。

    This game takes a keen eye and a quick hand to snag the dunking bobber and reel in your catch of the day .