
mó fāng
  • Rubik's cube;magic cube;magic square
魔方 [mó fāng]
  • [magic cube] 一种智力玩具

魔方[mó fāng]
  1. N阶魔方阵的算法

    An Algorithm of N Degree Magic Square Matrices

  2. 本文提出了构成N阶魔方方阵的简易方法,介绍了本文方法&整体平移法的实质及奇N阶正交表的建立,讨论了本文方法的实际应用的前景。

    In this paper a simple method tor establishing the magic square matrix and orthogonal table of singular N order is proposed . The application of proposed method is discussed .

  3. 他发明了一种叫做魔方的六色塑料物体。

    He invent a six-color plastic object that would be called the Rubik 's Cube .

  4. 到1983年时,也许是因为很多人家里都有魔方,人们不再对魔方感兴趣。

    By 1983 , people were not interested in the Rubik 's Cube anymore , perhaps because so many people had one in their home .

  5. 奇N阶魔方方阵的构成方法研究

    Study on Magic Square Matrix Set - Up Method

  6. 基于OpenGL的魔方自动求解算法与实现

    Automatic resolving algorithm and realization of magic cube based on OpenGL

  7. 4N阶魔方方阵构成方法研究

    A study on magic square matrix set-up of 4N order

  8. 曾姆丹格斯自2008年左右开始在YouTube上发布视频和教程,是“速解魔方”界的名人。

    Zemdegs is famous in the " speedcubing " world and has been posting videos and tutorials on YouTube since around 2008 .

  9. 该魔方的设计者香港设计师Brando声称这个魔方有助于开发使用者的创造性思维,而且能同时提高人的智商和情商。

    Its makers , Hong Kong-based Brando , claim it is ' good for creative thinking and improving both your IQ and EQ ( emotional intelligence ) ' .

  10. 数天前,MarcinKowalczyk在21.17秒的时间内解开了一个普通魔方,同时也创造了一个新的吉尼斯世界纪录,这令广大的魔方爱好者们顿感欣慰。

    A few days ago , Marcin Kowalczyk produced amoment for fans of the original Rubik 's cube to savour - when he solved the puzzle blindfolded in just21.17 seconds - a new world record .

  11. 基于拓展性和魔方变换的自适应蚁群算法

    Adaptive Ant Colony Algorithm Based on Expandability and Magic Cube Transformation

  12. 但是有时候,魔方玩起来很垃圾,或者很极品。

    But sometimes the cubes suck terribly or is extremely good .

  13. 关掉宇宙魔方,不然我毁了它

    Turn off the Tesseract , or I 'll destroy it .

  14. 第二阶段是神盾局将魔方用于制造武器

    Phase 2 is S.H.I.E.L.D. Uses the Cube to make weapons .

  15. 宇宙魔方可能是开发无限永续能源的关键

    The Tesseract could be the key to unlimited sustainable energy .

  16. 魔方以其自由、可变的形态存在。

    The magic cube exist in a free and alterable form .

  17. 要用宇宙魔方开发大规模杀伤性武器

    Is using the Tesseract to build weapons of mass destruction .

  18. 在两分钟内解决魔方的每个人的反应

    How everybody reacts two minutes into solving a Rubik 's cube

  19. 利用3DMAXR3制作魔方教学动画

    The making of magic cube animate for teaching with 3D Max R3

  20. 我能玩玩那个魔方吗?

    Mind if I play with that Rubik 's Cube ?

  21. 魔方网是国内著名的一家在线视频网站。

    Magic square net is website of home 's famous online video .

  22. 我见识过宇宙魔方的真正力量

    I have seen the true power of the Tesseract ,

  23. 如果控制不住宇宙魔方的能量

    If we can 't control the Tesseract 's energy ,

  24. 他得将魔方加热到一亿多度

    He would have to heat the Cube to 120million Kelvin

  25. 解一个魔方到底需要多长时间?

    How long will it take you to solve a magic cube ?

  26. 罗杰斯,我们搜集所有与魔方相关的东西

    Rogers , we gathered everything related to the Tesseract .

  27. 班纳博士此行只为追踪魔方

    Dr Banner is only here to track the Cube .

  28. 基于混沌的魔方置乱算法设计

    Design of Magic Cube Permutation Algorithm Based on Chaos

  29. 他要是放了洛基或杀了他,宇宙魔方都找不回来了

    If he frees Loki or kills him , the Tesseract 's lost .

  30. 我们一拿到宇宙魔方

    Once we get our hands on the Tesseract ,