
guǐ mèi
  • ghosts and goblins;forces of evil
鬼魅 [guǐ mèi]
  • [ghosts and goblins; forces of evil] 泛指鬼怪之物

  • (画)鬼魅最易。夫犬马,人所知也,旦暮罄于前,不可类之,故难。鬼魅,无形者,不罄于前,故易之也。--《韩非子.外储说左上》

鬼魅[guǐ mèi]
  1. 莫言小说中的鬼魅世界

    The World of Ghosts and Goblins in Mo Yan 's Novels

  2. 她极具吸引力,清幽如鬼魅,令人着迷,令人难忘,是个独具特色的演员。

    She is compelling , spectral , fascinating , an unforgettably unique performer .

  3. 大卫·洛维(执导过《老人与枪》、《鬼魅浮生》和《彼得的龙》)编剧和执导的《绿衣骑士》比典型的好莱坞奇幻电影更离奇更怪异,但却更人性化。

    Written and directed by David Lowery ( The Old Man & The Gun , A Ghost Story , Pete 's Dragon ) , The Green Knight promises to be eerier9 , weirder10 but more personal than the average Hollywood fantasy .

  4. Edinburgh城堡坐落于全欧洲最为鬼魅的城市,而且他自己本身也显得非常诡异。

    Edinburgh Castle is situated in one of the most haunted cities in Europe and it is itself haunted by some rather interesting spirits .

  5. BerryPomeroy据称是英国最为鬼魅的城堡了,而且它也有自己的幽灵&白女王。

    Berry Pomeroy is said to be the most haunted castle in the UK and has its very own White Lady .

  6. Jung开始去寻找患有心理疾病,被鬼魅所困扰的人,而且他们的年龄层已经假定没人会相信他们。

    Jung began to see the mentally ill as people who are haunted by these ghosts , in an age where no-one is supposed to even believe in them .

  7. 这张鬼魅般的脸如今我已不觉可怕。

    This haunted face holds no horror for me now .

  8. 他在黑暗中跌跌撞撞,迎面遇见两个鬼魅般的人物。

    He stumbled in the dark and ran into two ghostly characters .

  9. 有如鬼魅碰到了巫师,纷纷逃避。

    Are driven , like ghosts from an enchanter fleeing .

  10. 最后,他亲手将他们变成了形状鬼魅的生物;

    They become objects of perverse beauty beneath his hand ;

  11. 那些黑暗的鬼魅,那些不死的鬼魅。

    Not this darkness . Not these Immortals .

  12. 那孩子提到波斯人古老传说中的鬼魅。

    The child speaks of the Persian ghosts , known from the ancient times .

  13. 传说与禁忌是她们作品中所共有的因素,鬼魅与恐怖的气氛由此产生。

    Legends and tabu are their common equation in works . Ogreish and ghastful atmosphere engender .

  14. 他越游越深,睁着眼睛,看着鲣鱼摆着鬼魅的荧光尾在水中来回穿梭。

    His eyes were open , and he watched the ghostly , phosphorescent trails of the darting bonita .

  15. 鬼魅的蓝色内部光线是由被蟹状星云中心脉冲星加速了的高能量电子发出的。

    The spooky blue interior glow is emitted by high-energy electrons accelerated by the Crab 's central pulsar .

  16. 该片围绕一个生命垂危的男人,他的前世及鬼魅般的亲人们展开,为观众们呈现了一个奇诡的故事。

    It is a fantastical tale about a dying man , his past lives , and his ghostly relatives .

  17. 铜镜驱邪观念的基本结构主要包括铜镜能使鬼魅现形和鬼魅害怕现形两个环节。

    The elementary structure of the idea that a bronze mirror can cast out devils consists of two aspects .

  18. 农舍旁的狗群不安地吠叫起来,仿佛这异样的月光唤起了草丛间的鬼魅。

    Dogs nearby farmhouse barked nervously , as if this strange light had wakened evil spirits in the weeds .

  19. 而野马就是西部残留影象,犹如鬼魅,几乎不见踪影。

    Mustangs are an after image of the west , no better than ghosts , hardly there at all .

  20. 在我们生活的每一个角落,都能看到我们自己成长的影子,象鬼魅一样附体于每一个人。

    In every corner of our lives , we can see the growth of our own shadows like ghosts possessing us .

  21. 有的人家在门上贴上寿星或仙女的画像,祈求上天保佑,驱走鬼魅,赐给幸福。

    Some people put on the door or fairies Shouxing portraits , praying God bless , to drive away ghosts , given the well-being .

  22. 坐在燃着木柴的壁炉旁边,周围被有毒药剂、护身符、圣水和陶壶包围的她声音听起来也很鬼魅。

    She cackled in a smoky voice , sitting next to a wood-burning stove , surrounded by potions , charms , holy water and ceramic pots .

  23. 在大堂,拉丝钢灯照亮了油画褪色的轮廓,而不是直接饰以油画,给人一种鬼魅般的感觉。

    In the lobby , brushed steel lamps illuminate the type of faded outlines left by paintings , rather than paintings themselves , giving a ghostly impression .

  24. 鬼魅攻击所需的能量减少,这一改动也使略微降低其伤害成为必要。

    Ghostly Strike now has a reduced Energy cost , the reduction of Energy was enough to make it necessary to also reduce the damage output slightly .

  25. 因此我才说:不管你遇到了什麽东西,不管你看到了什麽颜色、光明、鬼魅或天神,那都不是智慧!

    Therefore , I say that whatever may happen to anybody , whatever colours , lights , ghosts or angels you may see , that 's not it !

  26. 鬼魅的审美效果主要受到广西神秘巫术文化传统和拉美魔幻现实主义中魔幻的影响。

    The ghastly aestheticism can be traced back to the influence by the mysterious witchery tradition of Guangxi as well as the magic in magic-realism of Latin America .

  27. 民俗相信鬼魅只会直线前进,不会拐弯绕路;因此住宅正中与前方的位置,如正脊、门楣、入口都是防卫重点。

    Folk custom believe that ghost only walks in a straight line therefore in the entrance and the front door are the main place that need to defend the ghost .

  28. 有人认为,进入现代文学时期以后,中国古代文学中的鬼魅灵异叙述传统戛然而止,传统神魔玄怪的文学想象绝迹灭踪。

    Some people believe that the traditional narration of ghost and spirit and the literary imagination of immortal and devil halted suddenly when Chinese literature moved into its modern age .

  29. 一方面以地狱、火宅、无物之阵等作为主要意象,绘制了一幅多灾多难、鬼魅横行的生存场景;

    The author had drawn a existence scene that calamitous , ghosts and goblins run wild as the main image with hell , fire residence , the lines of nothingness , etc.

  30. 你的名字鬼魅般地爪住我心,无痕无迹,无诧无异,我希望画尽你的芳容,无奈现实只赐予我你的踪影。

    Your names are haunting in my heart , without a cut , without a shock , I want to depict your face , but in fact I got simply your shade .