
ɡāo chénɡ yì chánɡ
  • height anomaly
  1. 局地GPS高程异常均匀梯次变化的数学模型

    Mathematic Model of GPS Height Anomaly That Its Variations is Evenly and Echelon in Parts of An Area

  2. 对几种估算GPS测区高程异常的方法进行了讨论和分析。

    Several methods to estimate height anomaly of GPS network are discussed .

  3. 基于Delauny三角形的GPS高程异常内插方法

    GPS ′ Height Abnormal Value Interpose Method Based on Delaunay Triangle

  4. GPS高程异常拟合精度的估算方法

    The Estimate Method of the Accuracy Of GPS Height Abnormity Interpolation

  5. 人工神经网络在GPS高程异常拟合中的应用

    Application of Artificial Neural Network on GPS Elevation Abnormal Fitting

  6. GPS高程异常拟合的降维处理算法

    A Reducing Dimension Algorithm of GPS Height Anomaly Interpolation

  7. 我国GPS高程异常的调查与分析

    Survey and Analysis of GPS Height Anomaly in China

  8. GPS高程异常模型的优选及分析

    Choiceness and analysis of elevation abnormality models of GPS

  9. GPS水准高程异常模型及模型诊断

    The Abnormality Model of GPS Height and Its Diagnosis

  10. GPS水准的单一模型在逼近高程异常曲面时其拟合效果往往不稳定。

    The results of those simple model of GPS leveling are often unstable .

  11. GPS测区的高程异常估算

    The estimation of height anomaly of GPS Network

  12. 确定高程异常的GPS水准法

    Determining the GPS level due to height abnormity

  13. 地形起伏对GPS工程控制网高程异常的影响

    The Affection of the Rugged Topography on the Height Anomaly of GPS Engineering Control Network

  14. GPS高程异常拟合研究

    The Research on GPS Elevation Abnormal Fitting

  15. 山区测区GPS点的高程异常推估方法研究

    Research on the method of estimation of height anomaly of GPS points in mountainous areas

  16. 最后以GPS高程异常拟合为例进行验证,得到了预期的结果。

    And a case study of GPS height anomaly fitting is given and good result reached .

  17. 用FFT计算川西地区的高程异常

    The Height Anomaly Computation for West Sichuan Province Using FFT

  18. 高程异常模型的建立是否合适,对GPS水准高程测量的精度产生重要影响。

    Whether elevation abnormality models are built properly has great effects on the precision of GPS level elevation survey .

  19. 高程异常一般呈多曲面分布,在局部区域内,建立多面函数模型进行GPS高程拟合,可以达到较高的精度。

    In local area , we can arrive at preferable precision by GPS height fitting using polyhedral function model .

  20. 再用较少已测点的原始数据,逼近GPS水准网中较多检核点的高程异常值。

    Then , use few known point of original data to approximate the large number of check point in GPS network .

  21. 采用的大地水准面差距或高程异常的精度,决定了GPS水准的精度。

    The accuracy of obtain height is determined by the accuracy of the corresponding geoidal difference or height abnormal value used .

  22. DEM分辨率对计算地形起伏引起的高程异常的影响

    The Impact of DEM Resolution on the Calculation of Height Anomaly Caused by Hypsography

  23. 本文提出了用加权平均值法,求定山区GPS点的高程异常,并提出了两种定权方法。

    This paper presents the determination of the elevation anomaly of GPS point in mountainous area , using the method of weighted average values .

  24. 为了改善GPS大地高向正常高转换的精度,提出了基于二次曲面的周期拟合解算GPS高程异常的新思路。

    In order to improve the precision from GPS geodetic heights to normal heights , a new method of solving GPS heigh anomaly based on quadric function is advanced .

  25. 实算结果表明,利用GPS/水准结合重力场模型估算的高程异常可达到与普通GPS高程测量相当的精度。

    The result shows that the height anomaly obtained by combining GPS / leveling with model of gravity field reach the precision corresponding to that of GPS height survey .

  26. 介绍GPS定位技术在长江口深水航道治理工程中的创新应用,其中有GPS区域控制网、高程异常网的建立;

    This paper introduces the innovative application of GPS positioning technique in Yangtze Estuary Deepwater Channel Regulation Project , including establishment of a Local GPS Control Network and Elevation Anomaly Control Network ;

  27. 探讨了在GPS-RTK测量中,获得高程异常及其转换的方法。

    Finally , the paper emphasizes the acquirement about height abnormity and the method of height transform .

  28. 本文讨论了FFT估计高程异常及Romberg算法解求截断系数的有关问题;

    This paper focused on the estimation of height anomaly by FFT , and the Romberg algorithm for evaluating the truncation error coefficient .

  29. 根据淮南市某测区GPS网中公共点的高程异常,建立测区的似大地水准面的数学模型,从不同角度对模型的代表性误差进行了评价。

    Based on the elevation anomaly of the common points in the GPS net in certain area of Huainan city , this paper establishes the mathematical model of the quasigeoid in the survey area , and assesses the representative error of the model from various angles .

  30. 该文根据多年的GPS测量实践,建立了局部高程异常的基本几何模型,并提出了利用高程异常几何模型将GPS高程转化为正常高的新方法。

    Based on the practice of GPS surveying for many years , the paper establishes the basic geometric model of local elevation abnormality . Also , it presents a new method to transform the GPS height to normal height using the geometric model of elevation abnormality .