
  • 网络Elevation calculation;mgsglqxzbgcjs
  1. GPS铁路航测外控点的高程计算模型

    GPS Normal Height Calculation Model of Railway Aerial Picture Control Points

  2. 基于道路集成CAD系统弯坡斜桥坐标高程计算公路斜弯坡桥施工坐标高程计算

    Coordinate and Elevation Calculation of Curve , Slope and Slant Bridge Based on Integrated CAD System

  3. Excel在纵断面设计高程计算中的应用

    The Application of Excel in the Height Computation in Longitudinal Section Design

  4. 流动站具有JOB、放样与接收圈、计算和记录、LRK模式下的记录、偏移的解算和记录、计算距离、定义坐标系统和高程计算的功能。

    The rover station can fulfill JOB , stake-out and receive , calculation and logging , logging under LRK model , offset solution and logging , distance solution , coordination system definition , elevation calculation .

  5. 基于水文分析的山地相对高程计算方法探讨

    Research on calculation of mountain relative elevation based on hydrological analysis

  6. 水泵安装高程计算方法探讨

    Study on Calculation Method of Pump Unit Erection Elevation

  7. 浙江省混合式海堤堤顶高程计算方法初探

    Preliminary Discussion on Computational Method of Elevation on Top of Composite Sea Embankment in Zhejiang Province

  8. 公路斜弯坡桥施工坐标高程计算

    Coordinate and Elevation Calculation of the Skew Curved and Ramp Bridge in the Construction of a Highway

  9. 板式柱帽对现浇空心板柱结构等代梁刚度系数的影响桩柱式桥墩、肋板式桥台柱顶高程计算方法

    Effects of Slab Column-Cap on the Stiffness Coefficient of Equivalent Frame in Cast-in-Situ Hollow Flat-Plate Structures On height computation method of pile type bridge pier and ribbed plate type abutment post

  10. 通过对防波堤挡浪墙顶高程计算和物模试验研究,分析挡浪墙顶高程的取值及其对湾内海域渔船泊稳条件的影响。

    Based on the calculation of the elevation of wave barrier for breakwater and physical model research , this paper analyzes the choice of elevation of wave barrier and its influence on the mooring conditions for fishing boats in the sea area .

  11. 分析了公路设计中弯坡斜桥坐标高程计算方法研究情况,阐述了弯坡斜桥坐标高程计算主要内容和一般原理。

    Coordinate and Elevation Calculation of the Skew Curved and Ramp Bridge in the Construction of a Highway This paper analyses the method of the coordinate and elevation calculation of the curve , slope and slant bridge and refers to the contents and principles of such calculation .

  12. 一种GPS高程拟合计算的新方法

    A New method of GPS Elevation Interpolation

  13. 利用DEM数字高程模型计算坡度的差异性分析

    Analysis of the Diversity Using DEM Numeral Elevation Model Calculating Declivity

  14. 结合生产实际,对在准动态模式下GPS水准可达到的精度进行了实用性试验,对GPS高程拟合计算的方法,布网要求进行了比较与分析。

    This paper compares and analyses the ways of the approach calculation of GPS altitude 、 arrangement nets requirement and the trial test of the accuracy GPS level can reach under dynamic model com-bining production practice .

  15. 顾及高程时计算大地距离的实用方法

    Practical Methods to Calculate Geodetic Distance in View of Geodetic Height

  16. 利用数字高程模型计算土石方量的程序方法

    The Program Method of Calculating Earthwork Using Digital Elevation Model

  17. 冲积河弯床面高程的计算

    Calculation of Bed Elevation in Alluvial Channel Bends

  18. 本文作者把CACIOfx-3600P自编的程序应用在道路工程上,使竖曲线高程等计算速度提高了几10倍,为今后道路工程建设的设计、予算等提供了新思路。

    Authors uses the program worked out by their self in road engineering , makes calculating speed increase dozens times , it provides the new thought to design , budget road engineering in the future .

  19. 对具体的海堤断面,分别采用地方标准方法和基于可靠性理论的方法确定堤顶高程,计算结果验证了本文方法的可行性和合理性。

    The corresponding programs are compiled with MATLAB software . ( 3 ) The crest elevations of typical sea dike cross section are separately calculated by the local criteria method and the reliability method . Results show that the presented method is feasible and reasonable to determine the crest elevation .

  20. 绥满国道主干线辅道工程标准横断面设计高程EXCEL程序计算总结

    On the standard transection elevation design of the auxiliary road engineering based on Excel

  21. 讨论了大气负荷、内陆水负荷等环境负荷对GPS高程影响的计算公式和方法,并进行了实例计算,得出了有益的结论。

    This paper discusses the computing formulas and methods for the influence on GPS height measurement due to the atmospheric load and the continental water load . The beneficial conclusion was educed through computing examples .

  22. 本文介绍一种求折光系数的实用方法&综合反演法,可以直接利用对向EDM三角高程测量结果计算往测和返测的折光系数。

    This paper introduces a practicable method of calculating atmospheric refraction coefficient-synthesis inversion method . Making use of the results of the direct and reversed EDM trigonometric leveling directly , we can inverse calculate the refraction coefficients which are corresponding to direct and reversed observation .

  23. 利用同位素的高程效应,计算得到岩溶水补给区的补给高程为1500~1600m;

    It is calculated out by means of the altitude effectiveness of isotope , that the height of the karst water recharge area is about 1500 to 1600m .

  24. 以近地层大气垂直折光系数的传统反演方法和理论计算模型为基础,提出了一种可以直接利用对向EDM三角高程测量结果计算往测与返测折光系数的新反演方法。

    On the basis of the traditional inversion method and the theoretical calculation model of atmospheric vertical refraction coefficient in lowest troposphere , a new inversion method for calculating the refraction coefficients by use of the results of the direct and reversed EDM trigonometric leveling is put forward .

  25. 垂线偏差和高程异常的计算;

    The computation of deflection of vertical and height anomaly ;

  26. 用交互数字高程模型分析计算坡面土壤侵蚀量

    Quantitative Analysis of Soil Erosion on Hillslopes by Alternant DEM

  27. 精密三角高程测量严密计算的理论研究与初步实验

    The theoretical studies and preliminary test on accurate calculation of Precise Trigonometric Leveling

  28. 根据天然气管道的相关运行参数及高程数据即可计算得到积液量。

    The water volume can be calculated by the natural gas pipeline operating parameters and elevation data .

  29. 利用几何分析法,推导了扣塔偏位对拱肋节段高程影响的计算公式。

    Making use of geometrical analysis method , the formulas of elevation change caused by tower deviation have been developed .

  30. 为确定渠系建筑物高程,必须计算侧堰段涌波高和泄流量。

    In order to determine the elevations of the structures in the canal system , the surge heights and discharges must be calculated .