
  • high temperature and heatwave
  1. 沿海城市高温热浪与每日居民死亡关系的研究

    Heat Wave and Daily Mortality of Residents in a Coastal City in China

  2. 高温热浪与干热风的危害特征比较研究

    Comparative Studies of the Harm Characteristic of Hot-dry Wind and High Temperature Heat Waves

  3. 早在2006年,加州遭遇了持续两个多星期的高温热浪。

    Back in 2006 , California endured a heat wave that lasted more than two weeks .

  4. 欧洲、北美冬季连续遭受暴风雪袭击,出现严寒天气,夏季又经受了高温热浪的袭击。

    In Europe and North America , cold and snow weather was experienced during winter , while hot weather occurred in summer .

  5. 农民们正面临着旱灾的挑战,从亚洲到非洲,从澳洲到俄克拉荷马州与此同时高温热浪和气候变化紧紧相连

    Farmers are facing challenges of drought from Asia to Africa , from Australia to Oklahoma , while heat waves linked with climate change

  6. 年内,南亚地区遭受高温热浪袭击,欧洲中部和西部经历了极为严重的高温干旱,巴西北部亚马逊热带雨林遭遇了近60年来最严重的干旱。

    During the year , South Asia was hit by hot waves , central-western Europe experienced severe drought and in northern Brazil , drought conditions became the most severe on record .

  7. 回顾了国际上气候变暖背景下极端天气和气候事件研究的基本成果,重点讨论了我国旱灾、暴雨洪灾、高温热浪、霜冻、低温冷害和沙尘暴等气象灾害的变化特点。

    Based on review of research results in changes in climate extremes under the background of global warming in the world , this paper summarizes climate change in China 's major meteorological disasters which are closely related to climate extremes .

  8. 2003年我国极端天气气候事件及气象灾害发生较为频繁,特别是淮河流域特大洪水、南方持续的高温热浪及伏秋连旱,造成了严重影响。

    More frequent weather and climate extreme events , associated with the meteorological disasters were observed in China in 2003 . Particularly , the big floods in the Huai River , durative heat wave and lasting severe drought in the summer and fall in south China resulted in great impacts .