
  • 网络hi-fi system;high fidelity system
  1. Hi-end高保真系统音箱分频器的精确设计计算法

    Method of precise account for part-frequency device as to the sound box system of Hi-end

  2. 这里我们考虑的例子是高保真系统中用来驱动扬声器的信号,其典型的输入电阻约为8欧姆。

    The example we can consider here is the signal required to drive the loudspeakers in a " Hi-Fi " system .

  3. GB/T7313-1987高保真扬声器系统最低性能要求及测量方法

    Minimum performance requirements and methods of measurement for high fidelity loudspeaker systems

  4. 由于D类放大器的上述缺点,因此其在高保真音频系统的引用中受到一定的限制。

    For above disadvantages of class D , its application in high fidelity audio system is restricted .

  5. 飘韵微型高保真车载音响系统

    Audio System of " Piao Yun " Mini High Fidelity Cyclecar

  6. 基于光纤自愈环网的高保真语音传输系统

    A High Fidelity Sound Transmission System Based On Self-Heal Ring

  7. 用长片段高保真度PCR扩增系统(expandTMhighfidelityPCRsystem)从鼻咽癌(NPC)体外传代细胞株SUNE中扩增出EB病毒(EBV)潜伏膜蛋白(LMP1)全基因,经凝胶电泳分析和DNA斑点杂交进行鉴定。

    Latent membrane protein ( LMP 1 ) gene of Epstein Barr virus ( EBV ) was amplified from propagated nasopharyngeal carcinoma ( NPC ) cell line SUNE by Expand TM High Fidelity PCR System . PCR products were identified by agarose gel electrophoresis analysis and DNA dot blot hybridization .

  8. 超动态高保真音响效果录放系统

    The Recording and Playing System of Ultra - dynamic Hi - fi Sound Effects

  9. 高保真音频设备及系统

    High-fidelity audio equipment and system

  10. 高频扬声器在高保真度的放声系统中用来产生高频声的小扬声器晶体管高频信号发声器

    A small loudspeaker designed to reproduce high-pitched sounds in a high-fidelity audio system . HF transistorized signal generator