
  • 网络height restrictions;HEIGHT LIMITS;altitude restriction;Altitude Limit
  1. 伦敦尤其还应该减少楼宇高度限制。

    London , in particular , should also have fewer height restrictions .

  2. 尽管你身高只有四英尺十一英寸,天堂之门没有高度限制。

    And though you were only four feet eleven . There 's no height restrictions on the gates of heaven ...

  3. 作为数据格式,纯文本和HTML是高度限制的,但它们可节省客户端的CPU周期。

    As data formats , plain text and HTML are highly situational , but they can save CPU cycles on the client side .

  4. 该作法可解决薄片石材应用高度限制的问题。

    This method can resolve the applied height limitation of the stone flake .

  5. 建筑物高度限制在这一领域。

    Building heights are restricted in this area .

  6. 第一部分分析了调频连续波多普勒导航雷达存在低高度限制的原因。

    The first part is the analysis of why the low altitude is limited in frequency modification continuous wave Doppler navigation radar .

  7. 将图像高度限制为指定像素。输入0表示对图像高度没有限制。

    Restrict the image height to the specified number of pixels . Entering 0 will result in no height restriction on the image .

  8. 认为新型梁柱板柱组合结构体系有着比普通板柱组合结构更好的抗震性能,经合理设计可突破规范对板柱组合结构的高度限制。

    The results shows the new system has better earthquake-resistant behavior and may surmount height control of normative plate column structure id designed rationally .

  9. 根据中国的规定,外资企业不得在中国投资大宗商品期货(外资对股票的投资同样受到高度限制,不过这些限制正逐渐解除)。

    Foreign businesses are barred from investing in commodities futures under Chinese regulations ( foreign investment in equities is similarly highly restricted , although slowly these restrictions are lifting ) .

  10. 在建筑物的高层,由于受基站天线的高度限制,无法正常覆盖,也是移动通信的盲区。

    On the high floor in the building , as restriction of the basic station , the signal is unable to be covered normally , which is a blind area of mobile communication too .

  11. 本实用新型的优点,可以改变驾驶室的高低,使其可以顺利通过一些有高度限制的障碍物,操作非常方便。

    The utility model has the advantages that the height of the cab can be changed to cause the can to smoothly pass through the obstacles limited by height , and the operation is very convenient ;

  12. 因此,本文将物料提升设备和吊篮设备相融合,设计出不受高度限制、重量轻、综合使用性能好的高处作业吊篮设备。

    Hence , by combining the material improving equipment with the platform equipment , this thesis is trying to design an aerial suspended platform , which is not restricted by the height limit , light in weight and with good comprehensive performance .

  13. 最初,对甜品和碳水化合物的高度限制能起一定作用,但长久之下,节食者会因戒断症状而抛弃自己的饮食计划,最终,他们的体重反弹,并抛弃了恰当的饮食方式。

    Highly restrictive diets that forbid desserts and carbohydrates are initially effective , but often cause dieters to stray from their food plans as a result of withdrawal-like symptoms . They end up regaining much of the weight they lost during the diet proper .

  14. 区内的船只应保持在远离3枝烟囱高度的限制区外。

    Boats in the area shall be kept well beyond the3-chimney height exclusion zone .

  15. 颊肌收缩对义齿颊侧基托翼缘高度的限制较宽度为弱。

    The contraction of the buccinator limits not so much the height as the width of the buccal flange .

  16. 应保持一个相等于3枝烟囱高度的限制区,以防喷出物或碎片击中周围的人。

    A3-chimney height exclusion zone shall be maintained to minimize the chance of ejecta or debris hitting any spectators .

  17. 联邦政府和地方法规禁止拆毁历史建筑,就算能拆毁,新建筑的高度也限制在8层以内。

    Federal and local laws prohibit demolishing historic buildings and even if this was so , height regulations limit new structures to eight storeys .

  18. 当机械臂的质量很轻,尤其是空间应用场合,机器人系统将受到高度柔性限制并且不可避免地产生机械振动。

    When the manipulator is lightweight , especially for space application , the robotic systems are subject to high degree of flexibility and encounter unavoidable mechanical vibration .

  19. 太阳能路灯是太阳能应用产品的重要代表,其应用受到诸多条件的限制,如灯本身特性的限制、灯杆高度的限制、太阳电池组件安装方式的限制和环境条件的限制等。

    Solar light is an important representation of solar energy produces , but its application is restricted by many factor , example of the lamp characteristic , the light pole height , the solar module sitting mode and circumstance condition etc.

  20. 在设置这些属性时,页面中供图像使用的空间面积是固定的,受到预设的宽度和高度尺寸限制,这通过提高页面渲染效果,有助于页面加载。

    When you set these attributes , the page 's spatial area for the image is fixed by the constraints imposed by the preset width and height dimensions , which facilitates the page loading by enhancing the efficacy of the page rendering .

  21. 并得到如下结论:主次锚杆的锚固深度只受水泥砂浆与岩体的结合强度的影响,不受边坡坡度和高度的限制。

    The analysis shows that the depths of the major and auxiliary anchor rods are affected by the cement mortar and its bond strength with the rock body and not affected by the gradient and the height of the rock side slope .

  22. 结果显示,由于三栅结构在高度方向的限制作用,需要引入一个H系数来修正栅电容,随着高度不断变大,它渐近于双栅MOSFET器件的情况。

    The analysis results in a modified gate capacitance with a coefficient H introduced to model the effect of tri-gates and its asymptotic behavior in 2D is that for double-gate MOSFET .

  23. 单元高度是有限制的。

    Cell height is limited .

  24. 特别要注意旁路,单行道,速度限制,最大高度或宽度限制等等。

    Special attention shall be paid to bypasses , one-way roads , speed limits , maximum heights or width limits , etc.

  25. 在高烈度地区异形柱框架房屋的高度受到严格限制,严重制约了钢筋混凝土异形柱框架的使用。

    Height of reinforced concrete special-shaped column frame was strictly limited in high intensity region , which restricted the development of special-shaped column frame .

  26. 由于砌体结构自重大,抗震性能差,房屋的层数及高度受到严格限制。

    Due to masonry structure 's high self-weight and low aseismic capacity , the total height of the building and the number of storeys are strictly limited .

  27. 城市规划委员会还称,该军用码头的高度将被限制在5.8米,而且在不作军事用途时会对公众开放。

    It also says that the development would be restricted to 5.8 meters , or 19 feet , in height and that the land would be open to the public when not in military use .

  28. 考虑到中国本土基金业发展还处于萌芽阶段,去年的这项举措令人惊讶。而考虑到中国没有开放资本帐户,资金的国际流动受到高度监管和限制,此举就更加惊人了。

    This initiative last year was surprising given the nascent stage of development of the local mutual fund industry , and even more so since China has a closed capital account with the mobility of capital internationally highly regulated and restricted .

  29. 目前,应用的主要结构形式是底部框剪砌体结构,但由于其自重大,抗震性能差,房屋的层数及高度受到严格限制。

    At present , the main form is Lower Frame-Shear Wall Structure with Upper Masonry Structure ( LFSWSUMS ), However , due to masonry structure 's high self-weight and low aseismic capacity , the total height of the building and the number of storeys are strictly limited .

  30. 最后,注意段落区域受到了父div的高度和宽度的限制,文本太大了。

    Finally , notice that the area for the paragraph is constrained by setting the height and width of the parent div , and that the text is too big .