
yàn guāng
  • optometry;examination of eyesight
验光 [yàn guāng]
  • [optometry;examination of eyesight] 测定眼睛的折射本领并验明它的缺陷以作为配制矫正眼镜的根据

验光[yàn guāng]
  1. 基于视度调节和CCD成像技术的老视眼验光方法

    An Optometry Method of Presbyopia Based on the Diopter Adjustment and CCD Imaging

  2. 对于合并1.50D以下的散光患儿,散瞳验光可能更有助于确定柱镜的轴向。

    When the astigmatic degree < 1.50D , mydriatic optometry is of help to found the axis of cylindrical lens .

  3. 有些人可能需要到眼镜店进行专业验光。

    Some may need specialist treatment at the optician 's.

  4. 她不想被带去验光,因为结果可能是她必须配戴眼镜。

    She does not want to be taken to an optician with the probable result of having to wear glasses

  5. 我在哪里能找一个好的验光师呢?

    Where can I find a good optometrist ?

  6. 规范老视验光与传统老视验光对近视力的矫正效果相当,经统计学检验两种验光方法矫正近视力差异无显著性(P>0.05)。

    There were no significant differences between near eyesight after correction of standard refraction of presbyopia and traditional refraction of presbyopia ( P0.05 ) .

  7. 罗米滴眼液、美多丽一P滴眼液在临床上可以作为近视儿童及无斜视弱视的远视儿童验光的有效睫状肌麻痹剂。

    They can all fully cycloplegia . 4 . Romi eyedrop , Mydrin - P eyedrop can be use in the cycloplegic refraction for children in myopia and hyperopia without strabismus and amblyopia .

  8. 2.optometristn.验光师,视力测定者,配镜师我想打电话给你,你妈妈说你还在和你的验光师约会。

    I tried to call you but your mom said you were still at your optometrist appointment .

  9. 偏心摄影验光(EPR)是测量人眼屈光状态的一种简便方法。

    Eccentric photorefraction ( EPR ) is a technique for measuring the refractive state of the human eye .

  10. AIC客观式验光仪的设计

    The design of the AIC objective optometer

  11. NathanBonilla-Warford是佛罗里达州坦帕市一家大型保险供应商视力服务计划VSP的验光师。

    Nathan Bonilla-Warford is an in Tampa , Florida , with VSP , Vision Service Plan , a big insurance provider .

  12. 实验前及预定时间进行检影验光及超声眼轴长度测量,RT-PCR检测巩膜MMP-2mRNA表达水平。

    Before experiment at experimental point , refractive state and axial length were determined with retinoscopy and A-scan ultrasonography respectively . The expression of MMP-2 mRNA was detected by RT-PCR .

  13. 方法用国际标准视力检查视力,以象膜映光法及遮盖法检查眼位,1%阿托品眼水点眼,每日3次,连续3d后进行检影验光,3周后配镜。

    Methods Sight was examined with international standard chart and eye place was checked by cornea illumination and covering methods . The eyes were put 1 % atropine 3 times per day for 3 consecutive days and optometry was made .

  14. 正确使用VDT、准确验光、合理配镜是预防及消除视疲劳的有效手段之一。

    Correctly uses the VDT accurate optometry , reasonably matches the mirror is the prevention and the elimination regards one of weary effective methods .

  15. 总部设在达拉斯的依视路美国公司(EssilorofAmerica)是一家光学镜片生产商,该公司客户拓展部高级副总裁、验光师霍华德•珀塞尔(HowardPurcell)说,太阳镜必须要能够阻挡紫外线。

    Howard Purcell , an optometrist and senior vice president of customer development at Dallas-based Essilor of America , a manufacturer of optical lenses , says sunglasses should block UV light .

  16. 现年41岁的梅勒尼·高丁(MelanieGording)是个家庭主妇,丈夫是验光师,他们有两个孩子,一家四口住在加州。

    Melanie Gording , a41-year-old stay-at-home-mother of two in Westchester , Ca. , is married to an optometrist .

  17. 44眼为人工品状体眼。方法采用综合验光仪(TOPCON)测量调节幅度、相对调节,采用Pearson相关分析其相关性。

    Methods The accommodative amplitude and relative accommodation were measured using phoroptor ( TOPCON ), and compared using Pearson correlation .

  18. 实验电路对红外自动验光仪中产生的视网膜反射红外光斑PAL制式视频图像信号能在1/25s完成一幅图像的检测。

    The test circuit can finish the spot detection in one image in 1 / 25 s for PAL infrared spots video signal from in - frared automation optometry , which was generated by retina reflecting .

  19. 洛杉矶专攻视觉治疗的验光师加里•埃廷(GaryEtting)说,不要进行自我诊断,说什么药店里就有现成的老花镜出售。

    Avoid self-prescribing with , say , off-the-shelf reading glasses sold at drugstores , says Gary Etting , an optometrist who specializes in vision therapy in Los Angeles .

  20. 常规行裂隙灯显微镜、三面镜眼底检查、OrbscanⅡ眼前段分析系统、眼压、A超、角膜测厚、电脑验光、散瞳检影、主观验光等检查。术后随访18个月以上。

    The examinations included slitlamp microscopy , fundus examination , Orbscan ⅱ corneal topography system , tonometry , pachymetry , cycloplegic and subjective refraction .

  21. 使用开放视野型红外验光仪(WAM-5500)和Badal光学系统测量在1.5D-25D的调节刺激下的调节反应。

    An open field infrared autorefractor ( WAM-5500 ) and Badal optical system were used to measure accommodation responses ( AR ) .

  22. 入选患者均行标准对数视力表检查,验光确定屈光度及最佳矫正视力(BCVA),并用IOL-Master测量眼轴长度。

    Distant Vision was examined through E Standard Logarithm Eyesight Table . Integrated Optometry to determine the diopter and Best Corrected Visual Acuity ( BCVA ) . Axial length ( AL ) measurements obtained through IOL-Master .

  23. 客观验光低度近视眼组和中度近视眼组采用SNK进行组间两两对比结合均值研究发现,两组12月较6月和9月均高。

    Objective refraction : myopia had become worse in Dec. when compared to June and Sept. in both the low myopia group and the medium myopia group by SNK statistical method in the two-factor analysis of variance ( P < 0.05 ) .

  24. 在激光治疗近视手术过程中,对患者进行精确的验光是至关重要的。

    Accurate optometry is a very important step in LASIK surgery .

  25. 若是你要配眼镜,你要找去验光师。

    If you need glasses , you should see an optometrist .

  26. 角膜地形图检查在低龄儿童散光检影验光中的应用

    The application of corneal topography in cycloplegic dioptoscopy to astigmatical children

  27. 7月份验光均在小瞳孔下进行电脑验光。

    Computer optometry was made under small pupils conditions in July .

  28. 验光师和眼科医生哪个是做眼科手术的?

    Is it an optometristor an ophthalmologist who performs eye surgery ?

  29. 验光机用客观式模拟眼的研制及国际比对

    A Development on the Objective Model Eye Set for Refractometer Use

  30. 电脑验光与视网膜检影对青少年近视的比较研究

    Effect of computer optometry and retino - scopy on adolescent myopia