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mǎ jū
  • foal;colt;horse colt
马驹 [mǎ jū]
  • [foal] 马的幼畜,尤指一岁以下的小马

  1. “彗星”还跟“斯平威·哈维斯特”生下了这匹出类拔萃的小马驹。

    Comet also sired the champion foal out of Spinway Harvest .

  2. 母马今天要下小马驹了。

    The mare is due to foal today .

  3. 在它还是6个月的小马驹时,她用1,000英镑将它买下,并训练它。

    She bought him as a £ 1,000 colt of six months and schooled him .

  4. 科学家们已经发现了一种约有马驹般大小的有蹄草食性动物的骨骼。

    Scientists have found the bones of a hoofed grazing animal about the size of a small horse

  5. 小马驹和小牛犊围着饲养员欢蹦乱跳。

    The colts and calves are gambolling round the stockman .

  6. 父亲吩咐孩子好生照看小马驹。

    The father told his son to take good care of the foal .

  7. 达特穆尔大约有1000匹马驹,它们为该地区的物种多样性作出了极大的贡献。

    Dartmoor has 1,000 or so ponies , who play a critical role in creating the diversity of species in this area .

  8. 如果游客去喂养马驹,马驹遭遇车祸的几率更大,而且会使它们在每年的迁徙期难以聚集。

    By feeding the ponies , tourists increase the risk of them getting hit by a car , and make them harder to gather during the area 's annual pony drift .

  9. 他父亲给了他一匹小马驹作为圣诞礼物。

    His father gave him a pony as a Christmas present .

  10. 那匹母马刚刚在马厩里产下了一只小马驹。

    The mare has just thrown a foal in the stable .

  11. 如今,一家英国公司为员工提供了一项新福利:“宠物陪护假”,当员工购买了一只新的狗狗、猫咪或者小马驹时可以请一天假,帮助它们适应新家。

    Now , a UK firm is offering employees another novel benefit : ' peternity leave ' - a day off when they buy a new dog , cat or horse to help the animal settle into their new home .

  12. 从生长曲线上可以看出,不同品种父本杂交F1代马驹生长规律与伊犁马类似,但是在生长发育水平上杂交马明显优于伊犁马。

    From the growth curve we can seen that the growth regulation is similar between different breed hybrid colt and Ili Ili colt , but the level of growth and development of hybrid colt is obviously better than ili colt .

  13. 我给它取名金色小马驹是因为你。

    You kno I named golden the pony boy after you .

  14. 还没习惯自家马厩里那匹有缺陷的小马驹吗?

    Are you not accustomed to broken ponies in your stable ?

  15. 她的脚跟踏出像马驹小跑般的声音。

    Her heels were making a noise like a pony trotting .

  16. 它们是些没驯养过的野马驹。

    They were wild ponies which had never been broken in .

  17. 那年夏天,我把我的小马驹也带到了弗恩采石场。

    One summer I had my pony at Fern Quarry .

  18. 新出生的细腿小马驹.那匹马用后腿站立走来。

    A leggy newborn foal The horse stood on its hind legs .

  19. 马丁是小马驹能得到的最好的代理妈妈。

    Martin was the best surrogate mother a foal could have had .

  20. 恐怕还没雌马驹能把我扔下来的。

    Doubt there 's a filly that could throw me .

  21. 小马驹:妈妈,那边是什么?

    Foal : What 's that over there , Mum ?

  22. 母马将永远没有产生一个小马驹之前的时间。

    No mare shall ever produce a foal before it 's time .

  23. 告诉你,我本来想弄匹小马驹

    You know , I was gonna get a pony ,

  24. 你何曾有过更多的快乐,与一只小马驹或山羊?

    Could you have more fun with a pony or a goat ?

  25. 助产士必须满了你的小马驹在胡说傻瓜地位。

    Midwives must reach the babbling fool status before you foal out .

  26. 我从小马驹开始一直把他养到这么大。

    I raised that horse since he was a foal .

  27. 我听说中国人很喜欢小马驹的肉。

    I hear the Chinese love a good slice of foal meat .

  28. 其所以令人振奋的是不是有一个新的马驹左右。

    Its so exciting isn 't it having a new foal around .

  29. 兽医们表示这样的杂交斑马驹虽说不是没有过,还还是很少见。

    Veterinarians say such a foal is rare , but not unknown .

  30. 不,我们要把小马驹卖掉。

    No , we 're going to sell the foal .