
  • 网络hong kong is
  1. 在这方面,香港地处重要位置,有意在中国和亚洲其他地方叁与经济活动的法国商界朋友,大可以香港为挢梁,大展拳脚。

    In this respect , Hong Kong is strategically located for French business who wish to take part in the economic activities in China and the rest of Asia .

  2. 利用DEM建立香港土壤地体数据库

    Creation of soil and terrain data base of Hongkong with DEM

  3. 日本、新加坡和香港等地人均GDP较高,但其苏格兰威士忌的消费量却大大少于韩国、台湾和泰国。

    Where GDP per capita is high , such as Japan , Singapore and Hong Kong , Scotch consumption is actually much lower than in South Korea , Taiwan and Thailand .

  4. 本文简要介绍了Internet电话技术进展及其市场情况,以及亚太地区Internet电话市场的发展,特别针对韩国、日本、澳大利亚和香港等地的情况做了较详尽的描述和分析。

    The article briefly describes the development and the markets of Internet phone technology and the markets in Asia-Pacific Area . The development and the markets of Internet phone in Korea , Japan , Canada and HongKong are especially analyzed .

  5. 汇丰计划在今后6个月至一年内,在香港选择性地推出更多ETF,此举与该行在欧洲审慎扩张的历史相符。

    HSBC is planning to selectively launch additional ETFs in Hong Kong over the next 6 months to a year , consistent with its history of measured expansion in Europe .

  6. 尽管新iPad在中国发售的时间晚于其他国家,但在中国的灰色市场早就可以买到这款产品了。那里的新iPad是从美国和香港等地运来的。

    Though it debuted late in China compared with many other nations , the product has been available in China 's gray markets , where vendors have them shipped in from places like the U.S. and Hong Kong .

  7. 根据房地产咨询公司仲量联行(joneslanglasalle)的这份报告,在2010年,北京、上海和香港三地的商业地产资本价值将增长7%到12%,而东京、首尔和孟买则会下跌。

    Beijing , Shanghai and Hong Kong should post increases of between 7 per cent and 12 per cent in 2010 while capital values of office buildings in Tokyo , Seoul and Mumbai are expected to fall , said Jones Lang LaSalle , the property consultants .

  8. 境外分别在澳大利亚、南非、英国、加拿大、俄罗斯及中国香港等地设有分公司或办事机构。

    , Canada , Russia and Hongkong SAR of China .

  9. 从表面上看,香港一如既往地资金充裕。

    On the surface , Hong Kong is as flush with cash as ever .

  10. 这个地铁站是广州-深圳-香港高速地铁线中的7个站点之一。

    The station is one of seven stops planned on the Guangzhou-Shenzhen-Hong Kong Express Rail Link .

  11. 单香港一地就占了九席。

    Hong Kong alone counted nine .

  12. 第二章对香港房地产业的发展及政府管理体制的演变作了分析。

    In Chapter 2 , the author analyzed the development of HongKong property industry government management system .

  13. 实用主义者们想让香港整个地放弃广东话而转向两种更广泛被使用的语言。

    Pragmatists want Hong Kong to drop Cantonese entirely in favour of the two more broadly used languages .

  14. 我老板几乎认识香港房地产业的每个名人,认识本人。

    My boss knows almost all and every celebrity in Hong Kong 's real estate business , in person .

  15. 02快活谷兽医中心,香港跑马地奕荫街34至36号地下。

    Valley Veterinary Centre , G / F. , 34-36 Yik Yam Street , Happy Valley , Hong Kong .

  16. 农历春节过后,新华财经上海、北京、香港三地分别举行了简单而热烈的年会。

    Xinhua Finance Annual party was held in Shanghai , Beijing and Hong Kong after the Chinese New Year .

  17. 哈佛商学院将部分研究预算投入到位于巴黎和香港等地的5个国际研究中心。

    Part of the research budget has been invested in five international research centres , from Paris to Hong Kong .

  18. 印象最深的要数与上海、南京、香港等地的水彩画联展。

    Watercolour joint exhibitions in Shanghai , Nanjing , Hong Kong and other places could be counted as the most impressive .

  19. 这片建筑是闹市区内最后几个令人联想起香港殖民地历史的地标。

    The structure is one of the last reminders of Hong Kong 's colonial past in the heart of the city .

  20. 中国金融业的开放也将对活跃于香港等地的金融服务提供商产生重大影响。

    Financial liberalisation in China also promises to have a significant impact on financial service providers active in Hong Kong and beyond .

  21. 跑马地兽医诊所及医院,香港跑马地昌明街6号地下。

    Happy Valley Veterinary Clinic & Hospital , G / F , 6 Cheong Ming Street , Happy Valley , Hong Kong .

  22. 他表示,该煤田预计将在明年3、4月在乌兰巴托、伦敦和香港三地上市。

    He said the offering was expected to take place next March or April in Ulan Bator , London and Hong Kong .

  23. 2002年我访问中国,先后到过北京、合肥、上海、成都和香港等地。

    During my2002 trip to China , I visited not only Beijing , but also Hefei , Shanghai , Chengdu , and Hong Kong .

  24. 纽约、伦敦和香港等地接洽的许多业务都来自本土以外。

    Much of the business conducted in places such as New York , London or Hong Kong is from outside America , Britain or China .

  25. 所以,研究香港房地产业发展的历史沿革,有助于我们了解其政府政策形成的背景及变化过程。

    So we study the development of HongKong real estate industry , it will help us to understand the back-ground developed process of HongKong government policies .

  26. 王菲之前已在香港等地出名,此次与那英的合作使她在大陆地区一举成名。

    Wong had already achieved fame in Hong Kong and elsewhere , but her duet with Na brought her the status of superstar on the mainland .

  27. 时瑞展览有限公司成立于1998年,作为一个专业的会展公司,在北京、上海、香港等地均设有分支机构。

    Beijing Triuni Exhibition Co. , Ltd was established in1998.As a professional exhibition company , it set up branches in Beijing , Shanghai and Hong Kong .

  28. 近年以来,国内已有十多家大型和超大型航运公司先后进入了资本市场,分别在上海和香港等地挂牌上市。

    In recent years , China has more than 10 large and super-large shipping companies have entered the capital markets in Shanghai , Hong Kong and other places .

  29. 去年,还签署了内地与香港、地与澳门建立更紧密经贸关系的安排,增强了内地与港澳的经贸联系。

    Last year , we signed the Closer Economic Partnership Arrangement with both Hong Kong and Macao , thereby strengthening economic ties between the mainland and the two regions .

  30. 1898年,英国获得了对九龙地区99年的租期,这扩大了他们香港殖民地的版图。

    In 1898 the British acquired a ninety-nine-year lease over the so-called Territories of Kowloon ( or Jiulong in pinyin ) , which increased the size of their Hong Kong colony .